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Showing 985 - 996 of 1572 results

Explained: the EU and how it works

Discover how the EU works, how it affects health policy and healthcare services and citizens' access to healthcare throughout the EU.

7 January 2021

Letter to Prime Minister on Brexit and COVID-19

PM urged to seek one-month extension to Brexit transition period as COVID-19 and new variant add further complications to a possible no-deal Brexit.

23 December 2020

Perspectives from the front line

Report distils the findings of a research study into the unequal impact of COVID-19 on black and minority ethnic communities.

21 December 2020

Action on 2019/20 pension tax impacts

Letter sets out the position that will now apply in 2019/20 to all clinician members of the NHS pension scheme who are in active clinical roles.

19 December 2020