A roadmap to reset our shared future The findings of a roundtable event with NHS and independent sector leaders. 23 November 2020
Tackling health inequalities Tangible approaches to tackling the greatest societal challenge of our age – health inequalities. 20 November 2020
Best practice and innovation during COVID-19 A snapshot of emerging insights behind the rapid innovation across health and care during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. 20 November 2020
The future of integrated care in England Findings from extensive member engagement to support the development of new policy and legislation relating to the future of system working. 20 November 2020
Data adequacy and Brexit A review of the most recent government guidance and a checklist of actions to protect access to EU data for patient care and research. 20 November 2020
International crisis-led healthcare innovation in response to COVID-19 An overview of some of the crisis-led innovations that have helped countries to cope during the first wave of COVID-19 infections. 18 November 2020
How industry supported NHS Wales to improve outcomes through COVID-19 This briefing sets out examples of how industry has supported the NHS in Wales – and further afield – to respond to the pandemic. 17 November 2020
A network of our own The founders of the NHS Muslim Women’s Network discuss what compelled them to develop the new network at the height of COVID-19. 17 November 2020
NHS international engagement beyond COVID-19 How NHS organisations can get the most out of engagement in international development. 11 November 2020
Advancing arts, health and wellbeing Second Memorandum of Understanding between the Welsh NHS Confederation and the Arts Council of Wales. 11 November 2020
Hyrwyddo’r Celfyddydau, Iechyd a Lles Ymrwymiad i codi ymwybyddiaeth o’r buddion gall y celfyddau eu cael ar iechyd a lles a gwreiddio mentrau celfyddau a iechyd ar draws y GIG yng Nghymru 11 November 2020
MHPG Mental Health Winter Support Package Government urged to implement a support package to make sure people with severe mental health problems are adequately protected in the coming months. 10 November 2020