NHS Reset: the future of the health and care system Re-watch our NHS Reset webinar on the future of the health and care system. 29 September 2020
Tackling health inequalities in West Yorkshire and Harrogate How the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership is addressing health inequalities in the region. 29 September 2020
Creating a new normal for CCG business as usual A tool to help commissioners capitalise on the opportunities for improved system working as they review core functions in light of the COVID response. 28 September 2020
Community Network submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review 2020 This submission sets out the case for investment in community health services. 28 September 2020
Health inequalities shared learning Read how the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership is addressing health inequalities in the region. 28 September 2020
Polisi mudo’r DU a'r gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol a GIG Cymru Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn dadansoddi effeithiau’r rheolau mewnfudo arfaethedig newydd ar y gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol a GIG Cymru. 25 September 2020
UK migration policy and the Welsh NHS and social care workforce This report analyses the likely impacts of the proposed new immigration rules on the Welsh NHS and social care workforce. 25 September 2020
What the £13bn debt write-off means for the NHS This briefing explores the detail behind £13bn debt write-off and what it means for the NHS, both now and in the long term. 25 September 2020
Valuing, engaging and delivering The Welsh NHS Confederation's calls for the 2021 Welsh Parliament / Senedd Cymru election (summary version). 24 September 2020
Gwerthfawrogi, Ymgysylltu a Chyflawni Cyn etholiadau’r Senedd yn 2021, rydym wedi gofyn am farn ein haelodau ac wedi nodi eu gweledigaeth ar gyfer y system iechyd a gofal yng Nghymru. 24 September 2020
Mental Health Policy Group Comprehensive Spending Review Submission The Mental Health Policy Group has set out to government the investment needed for mental health ahead of the Comprehensive Spending Review. 24 September 2020
COVID-19 and the health and care workforce Members' views on what's needed to embed a renewed focus on NHS staff wellbeing. 24 September 2020