Mental health services and COVID-19: preparing for the rising tide

While ostensibly a physical health issue, COVID-19 has and will continue to have huge implications for mental health providers and the individuals they support..
Mental health services have faced unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19. They quickly and effectively moved to different ways of working to protect service users and staff. As we move to the next phase of the pandemic, we expect demand for mental health support to increase and to remain high for some time. This will have serious implications on resourcing and staff wellbeing.
This report from the NHS Reset campaign considers what mental health services need to prepare for the expected surge in demand. It also highlights how the health and care system can 'reset' the way care and support are planned and delivered in aftermath of COVID-19.
About NHS Reset
NHS Reset is an NHS Confederation campaign to shape what the health and care system should look like in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recognising the sacrifices and achievements of the COVID-19 period, it brings together NHS Confederation members and partners to look at how we rebuild local systems and reset the way we plan, commission and deliver health and care.