Community Network representation to the Spring Budget 2021

This submission sets out the context and key points for the 2021 spring Budget and details our immediate and long term asks. It calls for additional funding for community health services, injecting immediate funding for discharge to assess and increasing domiciliary care capacity, and properly investing in public health and social care.
While the Spending Review 2020 addressed some of the immediate financial challenges the NHS was facing as it battled COVID-19, it did not provide targeted investment in community health services nor stipulate how much – if any – of the £3 billion NHS recovery package will be directed to community health services. It is therefore now essential that the Spring Budget includes investment for community health services to support the national effort to combat the pandemic.
The Community Network is the national voice of NHS community providers. We support trusts and not-for-profit organisations providing NHS community health services to deliver high-quality care by influencing national policy development, sharing good practice, and promoting a vision of integrated care in the community. The Network is hosted by the NHS Confederation and NHS Providers.