NHS staff vacancy numbers paint a bleak picture
Danny Mortimer, chief executive of NHS Employers warns the NHS is still facing chronic workforce shortages that are getting worse.
Showing 2011 - 2020 of 4630 results
Danny Mortimer, chief executive of NHS Employers warns the NHS is still facing chronic workforce shortages that are getting worse.
1 September 2022
Rory Deighton responds to BMJ calculations that show hospitals could be paying £2 million more extra a month on energy due to fuel price surge.
1 September 2022
Consultation response from the Welsh NHS Confederation Health and Wellbeing Alliance's subgroup, Obesity Alliance Cymru.
1 September 2022
The Mental Health Policy Group has set out key areas of action for the new Prime Minister
1 September 2022
Rory Deighton, senior acute lead at the NHS Confederation, responds to the announcement that over 50 new surgical hubs are set to open.
26 August 2022
Ruth Rankine, our director of primary care, responds to the latest statistics on GP appointments and the primary care workforce.
25 August 2022
Matthew Taylor responds to leadership candidate Liz Truss' plan to divert money from the NHS to social care.
25 August 2022
The Mental Health Policy Group's formal response to the government's call for evidence on its ten-year plan.
25 August 2022
Equipping senior healthcare leaders with the knowledge and confidence to model meaningful trans and non-binary allyship.
24 August 2022
Matthew Taylor comments on the Government's announcement that regular asymptomatic testing for Covid will be paused in all remaining settings.
24 August 2022