Sandra Cummings Sandra joined the NHS Confederation in Wales (as it was then known) in August 2000. 30 May 2021
Recruitment guide for applicants Our recruitment guide will help you make the most of your application.
Employing local health and care students as surge care assistants Imperial College Healthcare has developed a new surge care assistant role to students to gain practical experience and support the COVID-19 response. 28 May 2021
Neighbourhood Integration Project An in-depth look at how more joined-up care has been delivered in four localities.
The role of primary care in integrated care systems This report sets out the views of primary care members on the underpinning principles needed for strong primary care involvement at system and place. 27 May 2021
Embedding clinical leadership in integrated care systems Letter to Edward Argar MP urges the minister to ensure the new NHS system architecture embeds clinical leadership within integrated care systems. 27 May 2021
What skills do we need to make digital transformation work in the NHS? By approaching digitisation in the right way, it can be embraced by both the NHS and by those it serves. 27 May 2021
What if? Setting the agenda for change for our children and young people System working will be vital to truly change the life outcomes for children and make health inequalities a thing of the past, writes Rukshana Kapasi. 27 May 2021
NHS Communicate: celebrating excellence in health communications Recognising the role professional communicators and engagement specialists have played in the COVID-19 response. 27 May 2021