Flexible regulation and oversight key to successful system working Ensuring systems are both supported and held to account will be crucial to the effectiveness of integration. 24 May 2021
About the Acute Network We support you by providing an influential national voice and bringing you together with leaders across the health and care system.
Health and social care providers need to be self-sufficient in procuring equipment Sir James Mackey, CEO of Northumbria Healthcare, talks about the innovative factory set up during lockdown to produce PPE for staff in the North East. 21 May 2021
Restoration of general practice services Unprecedented response from PCN Network members, indicative of the strength of feeling, following Nikki Kanani and Ed Waller SOP letter. 21 May 2021
Welcome acknowledgement of primary care offer of face-to-face appointments throughout pandemic Commenting on NHS England's Guidance and standard operating procedures. 20 May 2021
We must not underestimate the scale of the challenge ahead Darren Hughes, director of the Welsh NHS Confederation responds to the latest NHS Wales performance figures and funding announcement. 20 May 2021
Rise in NMC registrations ‘heartening and humbling’ Commenting on the NMC's annual registration data report. 20 May 2021
Vital to focus on data not dates as variant identified in India spreads Responding to the latest Downing Street press conference 19 May 2021
#CovidEmergency campaign Counteracting falsehoods surrounding COVID-19 and promoting greater understanding of the severity of the challenge facing frontline services.