Cabinet reshuffle Key changes at the Department of Health and Social Care and across government following the Cabinet reshuffle in February 2020. 17 February 2020
NHSCC Impact Report 2020 A look back at some of the work NHS Clinical Commissioners has done with and for our members in 2019/20. 17 February 2020
Arts to improve health and wellbeing in social care Examples of how arts-based activities are being delivered in social care settings across Wales to improve people’s physical and mental wellbeing 14 February 2020
‘System by default’ – how to make a good idea a reality The delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan depends on establishing strong partnerships between local systems. 14 February 2020
Terms and conditions of service: Community dental services (Wales) Terms and conditions of service for community dental services in Wales. 14 February 2020
Advancing population health management Clinical commissioners are a key enabler of population health management approaches as they are well-connected across primary care and secondary care. 13 February 2020
Capital funding: how to create a winning bid How one trust secured over £72 million in capital funding. 13 February 2020
What’s the big deal about population health management? What exactly is this term that everyone’s talking about, and what benefit are patients seeing as a result? 13 February 2020
Striving towards zero suicide NHS Clinical Commissioners runs specialist networks that help commissioners to support each other with important issues, including suicide prevention. 12 February 2020