A national people plan is fine but local labour markets require local responses The case for ICSs becoming the default level at which accountability for system-wide skills and workforce decision-making is based. 27 January 2020
Building relationships with councillors in scrutiny roles The NHS can learn a lot from council partners who have a track record of innovating, driving efficiencies and service re-design. 27 January 2020
A digital solution to improving communication around consent A multi-language animation is helping patients to better understand procedures at Barts Heart Centre. 22 January 2020
Why we’re stronger together Why the interconnectedness of our services matters so much. 20 January 2020
Connected Notts Learn about Connected Nottinghamshire, a digital transformation programme aiming to integrate health and social care systems across Nottingham. 17 January 2020
Equipped for success? Three priority areas for action if primary care networks are to succeed: time and pace, management support and funding. 17 January 2020
The NHS and future trade agreements This briefing examines how free trade agreements negotiated at a UK level could impact the NHS in Wales and devolved administrations. 17 January 2020
Implementing the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act in Wales Discover how NHS organisations across Wales are working towards delivering the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act (2015). 17 January 2020