Health economic partnerships Building partnerships to drive lasting improvements in public services for local communities.
Governance and oversight Advocating for a consistent and cohesive regulatory culture that supports system working and population health.
System working Supporting the development of system working and leaders at system, place and neighbourhood level.
About the Welsh NHS Confederation Our mission is to be the authentic voice of the NHS leadership in Wales.
Urgent action needed to address chronic undersupply of NHS staff National health bodies call on Prime Minister to address NHS staff shortage 21 April 2021
Watch: How can virtual hospitals aid recovery and offer a new relationship between the NHS and the public? Building on new service innovations and ways of working to aid recovery and improve care. 21 April 2021 09:00 - 10:30 GMT
NHS Pension Scheme The NHS Pension Scheme continues to be one of the most comprehensive and generous schemes within the UK. 21 April 2021