Julie Das-Thompson Julie is responsible for and oversees NHSCC’s policy work programme as well as the management of core elements of its membership offer and strategy. 9 April 2021
Michael Wood Michael advises leaders on policy, partnerships and funding relating to skills and workforce, estates, innovation, population health and finance. 9 April 2021
Nasima Hossain Nasima has extensive experience in health programme management and public health advocacy experience from the UK, Africa and the US. 9 April 2021
William Pett Will is Head of Policy, Public Affairs and Research at Healthwatch England. 9 April 2021
Preth Rao Preth is an experienced policy and public affairs professional. She worked in the health charity sector and NHS Confederation. 9 April 2021
Kelley Ireland Kelley Ireland is the assistant director for the East Midlands and East of England and is part of the NHS Confederation’s regional engagement team. 9 April 2021
Helen Wolstenholme Helen is the ICS Network's Assistant Director for Partnerships and Support. 9 April 2021
Sarah Walter Sarah has a background in health policy, working at the Department of Health and NHS England before joining the NHS Confederation in 2012. 9 April 2021