Arts, health and wellbeing
An overview of the resources, findings and data that show the effectiveness of the arts in promoting and improving people’s health and wellbeing.
Showing 4271 - 4280 of 4499 results
An overview of the resources, findings and data that show the effectiveness of the arts in promoting and improving people’s health and wellbeing.
1 May 2018
An insight into the challenges of delivering health and care services in rural Wales.
30 April 2018
This report provides an overview of the main activities conducted by the European Office in the course of 2017/18 in four main areas.
19 April 2018
We are concerned that people who are in mental health crisis are not consistently triggering an appropriate response time from ambulance trusts.
18 April 2018
A practical tool for council and NHS commissioners to support improving outcomes through integrated commissioning.
12 April 2018
How trusts are collaborating to create sustainable services and to improve care for people and their families.
10 April 2018
Relieve the stress of health and care frontlines by identifying change agents, who are best positioned to lead the way to innovation and improvement.
3 April 2018
How the NHS Confederation and NHS Employers can support you to safeguard and grow your future workforce.
1 April 2018
Focus efforts on areas essential to the delivery of services in the future, so that priority is aligned with future need rather than current shortages
23 March 2018
A variation to Annex C of the Framework Agreement was agreed in April 2019.
21 March 2018