Draft health and care workforce strategy for England to 2027 Focus efforts on areas essential to the delivery of services in the future, so that priority is aligned with future need rather than current shortages 23 March 2018
Transforming children and young people’s mental health provision Mental health prevention and early intervention needs to be at the heart of the proposals being introduced by the green paper. 2 March 2018
In conversation with... Hannah Leaton Hannah explores Wellbeing Erewash vanguard’s ‘time swap’ programme and how it helps people and communities to stay well. 19 February 2018
Refreshing NHS plans for 2018/19 Key points from NHS England's 2018/19 planning guidance. 2 February 2018
Is value-based healthcare the only game in town for a sustainable NHS? What value-based healthcare really means. 15 January 2018
Explained: European Reference Networks Learn more about European Reference Networks, clinical networks bringing together healthcare providers across Europe. 30 March 2017
Organisational Change Policy The principles that apply in managing internal organisational change within NHS Wales. 23 March 2017
European Fund for Strategic Investment The European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI) is a EU financing initiative from the European Commission and European Investment Bank Group (EIB). 3 March 2017
Disciplinary Policy and Procedure This is the disciplinary policy and procedure to be used for all employees within NHS Wales unless alternative contractual arrangements are in place. 1 March 2017