NHS finances in Wales: what next?
Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes discusses what's next when it comes to the NHS's finances in Wales and what this might mean.
Showing 241 - 250 of 1157 results
Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes discusses what's next when it comes to the NHS's finances in Wales and what this might mean.
30 November 2023
Welsh NHS Confederation director Darren Hughes response to the update from the Welsh Government on the Rebalancing Care and Support Programme.
28 November 2023
New analysis from the NHS Confederation sets out the impact that low levels of capital investment have had over the last decade.
28 November 2023
Our annual face-to-face conference for members of the NHS Confederation’s ICS Network.
28 November 2023 08:00 - 17:30 GMT
Exploring why capital investment is key to boosting productivity and transforming care.
28 November 2023
Matthew Taylor responds to the agreement reached between the government, and unions representing consultants in England
27 November 2023
Our achievements on behalf of members from April to September 2023.
27 November 2023
Darren Hughes, director of the Welsh NHS Confederation, responds to the latest NHS monthly performance statistics in Wales.
23 November 2023
Dr Layla McCay comments on an Autumn Statement light on NHS investment
22 November 2023
Summary and analysis of what the Autumn Statement means for health and care.
22 November 2023