Adapting Time to Talk
How moving to talking therapies led to higher attendance rates for clinical appointments and an increase in staff productivity.
Showing 221 - 230 of 288 results
How moving to talking therapies led to higher attendance rates for clinical appointments and an increase in staff productivity.
11 February 2021
A review of government guidance on data sharing between the UK and EU, and actions to protect access to EU data for patient care and research.
15 January 2021
A detailed look at the COVID-19 vaccine planning tool.
13 January 2021 12:30 - 13:30 GMT
Explore the strategic role digital should play in managing and treating poor mental health.
10 December 2020
This guide aims to increase digital inclusivity within mental health provider organisations.
8 December 2020
Digital tools have been quickly developed and adopted in the wake of COVID-19. Now AI is showing opportunities ahead for healthcare.
4 December 2020
An update on digital solutions for treating poor mental health, while remembering traditional services are still relevant.
20 November 2020
A snapshot of emerging insights behind the rapid innovation across health and care during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
20 November 2020
An overview of some of the crisis-led innovations that have helped countries to cope during the first wave of COVID-19 infections.
18 November 2020