NHS Reset: Has inclusion been lost in the digital transformation of the NHS? NHS Reset is a new NHS Confederation campaign to contribute to the public debate on what the health and care system should look like in the aftermath 18 June 2020
NHS Reset: Why we need good quality data fast Data-driven insight is vital in the fight against COVID-19. 29 May 2020
Delivering core NHS and care services during the pandemic and beyond Response to the Health and Social Care Select Committee inquiry on delivering core NHS and care services during the pandemic and beyond. 12 May 2020
The NHS in England and its response to COVID-19 The NHS in England is being transformed in response to COVID-19. And as the crisis evolves, new challenges are emerging. 10 April 2020
How data and digital services can fight COVID-19 COVID-19 is the biggest challenge to the NHS in 70 years. While the main focus is on equipping the frontline, there are other tools that can help. 30 March 2020
Capital funding: how to create a winning bid How one trust secured over £72 million in capital funding. 13 February 2020
A digital solution to improving communication around consent A multi-language animation is helping patients to better understand procedures at Barts Heart Centre. 22 January 2020