How do you create the right environment for clinicians to lead change?
An exploration of how understanding the reality of people’s lives can help your team develop the humility it needs to grow.
Showing 981 - 990 of 1177 results
An exploration of how understanding the reality of people’s lives can help your team develop the humility it needs to grow.
12 March 2020
A rundown of the headline points from the 2020 Budget, with analysis for the NHS and reaction from across the NHS Confederation.
11 March 2020
Gain insight into how financial and other reforms in Bradford are making a difference to system partners, staff and residents.
10 March 2020
How Bradford has used system control totals and fixed-income contracts to align incentives, pool risk and achieve financial balance.
10 March 2020
A look at the benefits of system working.
9 March 2020
How the concept of ‘place’ has made an impact in Mid-Nottinghamshire.
5 March 2020
Guiding integrated care system (ICS) leaders on how they can shape their local labour market to best determine and develop the future workforce.
5 March 2020
Fel llais cydnabyddedig arweinyddiaeth y GIG yng Nghymru, rydym yn hyrwyddo’r system iechyd a gofal trwy gryfder ein haelodau gyda’i gilydd
3 March 2020
Ahead of the Senedd elections in 2021, the Welsh NHS Confederation describes members’ views and sets out their future vision for healthcare in Wales.
3 March 2020
Examining what health services can do to address health inequalities.
2 March 2020