NHS ConfedExpo 2023
Join us at Manchester Central as we and NHS England unite health and care leaders and their teams at one of the biggest health and care conferences.
Showing 201 - 210 of 753 results
Join us at Manchester Central as we and NHS England unite health and care leaders and their teams at one of the biggest health and care conferences.
14 June 2023 08:30 - 15 June 2023 17:00 GMT
Joint NHS Confederation and Google Health report explores the role of technology in managing, improving and support health and wellbeing.
13 June 2023
Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, encourages the BMA and government to cede some ground and restart negotiations
12 June 2023
Patient care set to suffer without wider central budget for all Agenda for Change staff.
28 May 2023
We wrote with other stakeholders to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to raise the need for additional funding for the NHS pay uplift.
28 May 2023
In an interview with Healthcare Leader, Lord Victor Adebowale shares his thoughts on health inequalities in England.
26 May 2023
Ruth Rankine shares her thoughts on the Fuller stocktake, which was published a year ago tomorrow.
26 May 2023
Our Impact Report outlines the work we've done as a team to support our members in the latest financial year.
25 May 2023
While it may not be as fast as some had hoped, primary care must continue the progress being made towards achieving the Fuller stocktake's vision.
25 May 2023
Dr Neil Modha on primary care entrepreneurship, population health and innovations in workforce and estates.
24 May 2023