BMA contract negotiations and revised GP contract
Headline points on the British Medical Association's (BMA) contract negotiations and revised GP contract.
Showing 661 - 670 of 753 results
Headline points on the British Medical Association's (BMA) contract negotiations and revised GP contract.
7 February 2020
This briefing explains what impact the NHS Funding Bill will have on the NHS multi-year funding settlement.
4 February 2020
The PCN Network summarises what the NHS planning guidance 2020/21 says about primary care.
3 February 2020
This briefing summarises the NHS Operational Planning and Contracting Guidance 2020/21 published on 30 January 2020.
3 February 2020
Good relations between different sectors and partners in Newcastle have enabled a cohesive approach to health, social care and health inequalities.
31 January 2020
Why the interconnectedness of our services matters so much.
20 January 2020
Three priority areas for action if primary care networks are to succeed: time and pace, management support and funding.
17 January 2020
Learn about Connected Nottinghamshire, a digital transformation programme aiming to integrate health and social care systems across Nottingham.
17 January 2020
Despite representing the right direction of travel, there remain issues which warrant further refinement, Community Network argues.
16 January 2020
Looking to 2020 as the year we start to realise the potential of community services as equal partners in health and care delivery,
9 January 2020