Lives we want to lead
We fundamentally disagree with the proposal for health and wellbeing boards to take on statutory duties to commission primary and community care.
Showing 691 - 700 of 752 results
We fundamentally disagree with the proposal for health and wellbeing boards to take on statutory duties to commission primary and community care.
16 September 2018
A revised GP partnership model must enable and embrace the evolving primary care landscape and support the ability for development across ICSs.
6 September 2018
Consideration needs to be given to premises across the NHS estate not just within general practice.
5 September 2018
A look at the achievements over the NHS's 70-year history.
5 July 2018
Ten actions to underpin priorities for a new plan for the NHS in England.
2 July 2018
Relieve the stress of health and care frontlines by identifying change agents, who are best positioned to lead the way to innovation and improvement.
3 April 2018
Bwriad Gofalu Gyda’n Gilydd yw darparu fframwaith deinamig a hyblyg i GIG Cymru a fydd yn esblygu dros amser.
5 February 2018
How the vanguards have broken down traditional organisational barriers across whole system.
31 January 2018
How the vanguards have sought to design health and care services around the needs of people who use them.
31 January 2018
Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust on its praised programme of patients involvement in the teaching of undergraduate medical students.
23 January 2018