Specialty, Specialist and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors (Wales) 2021 Contract

Terms and Conditions of Service, Model Contract and Guidance material for application of the 2021 Contract for SAS doctors in Wales

Specialty, Specialist and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors (Wales) 2021 Contract

In January 2021, an agreement was reached which covers a three-year agreement from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2024 for a reformed Specialty Doctor contract and a new Specialist contract. 

The new contracts apply to new staff to the SAS grades from 1 April 2021 and to SAS doctors being employed on new contracts from that date forwards. Current SAS doctors employed on national terms and conditions of service will be given the option to transfer to the equivalent revised terms and conditions or remain on current terms and conditions.

Pay Progression for SAS Doctors on the 2021 Contracts - Guidance

The new contracts stipulate that SAS doctors will no longer automatically receive pay affecting increments unless the review process has been completed and a ‘Yes’ has been recorded for Pay Progression in ESR.

The 2021 contracts state that this function was to go live on the 1st of April 2023.

To facilitate the development of guidance to assist clinical managers, the go live date was deferred to the 1st of November 2023. 
