Medical and Dental - Pay, Terms and Conditions of Service

There are three broad categories of employed medical and dental staff in NHS Wales: Consultants, SAS Doctors, and Doctors in Training.
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Revalidation applies to all doctors and dentists who wish to practise in the UK.
All medical staff and dental staff
There are policies and protocols which apply to all employed medical and dental staff in NHS Wales, or to all employing NHS bodies in Wales.
Doctors in training
The contract for doctors in training is a UK-wide contract, negotiated and agreed between representatives of each of the 4 UK home countries, the service throughout the NHS including in Wales, and the BMA through a body known as the JNC(J).
In Wales, the Junior Doctors Review Group (JDRG) comprises representatives of the service in Wales, of medical education institutions such as the Welsh Deanery, and of doctors in training, the BMA, and Welsh Government, and meets to discuss issues related to doctors in training in Wales. It does not negotiate terms and conditions of service.
Fatigue and Facilities Charter - Wales
The Fatigue and Facilities Charter in Wales has been developed in partnership by BMA Cymru Wales, NHS Wales Employers and Welsh Government to provide a comprehensive and ambitious set of standards, recognising the opportunities for NHS Wales employers to work towards in enhancing the working environment for doctors and dentists in training in Wales.
For more information on the charter visit: Fatigue and sleep deprivation (
Fatigue and Facilities Implementation Charter Toolkit - Wales
The toolkit is a comprehensive and supportive mechanism which can be utilised by health boards to enable the implementation of the Fatigue and Facilities Charter; the toolkit provides assistance on the stages of progression in meeting the charter, as well as containing aids to capture and share good practice.
For more information, please visit:
Fatigue and Facilities Implementation Charter Toolkit - Wales | NHS Confederation
The purpose of revalidation is to assure patients and the public, employers and other healthcare professionals that licensed doctors are up to date and fit to practise.
Through local clinical governance, effective appraisal and revalidation, employers and the General Medical Council will be able to provide further assurances to patients and the public that doctors working in the UK are fit to practise.
Revalidation in Wales, along with the other UK counties was launched in late 2012.
For more information visit
SAS doctors
The contract for SAS Doctors is a UK-wide contract, negotiated and agreed between representatives of each of the 4 UK home countries, the service throughout the NHS including in Wales, and the BMA through a body known as the JNC(SAS). In Wales, the Welsh SAS Doctors Reference (WSAS) Group comprises representatives of the service in Wales, SAS Doctors, the BMA, and Welsh Government, and meets to discuss issues related to SAS Doctors in Wales. It does not negotiate terms and conditions of service.
Job planning is a process through which individual SAS Doctors agree their intended service outcomes and activities for the coming year with their employers. It covers their direct clinical care activities, their supporting professional activiltes, and any additional roles they agree to undertake for their employer or for the NHS more widely.
The amended Consultant Contract was introduced in Wales in December 2003. This differs from the Consultant contracts that apply in each of the other UK countries, and was negotiated between Welsh Government, the service in Wales, and the BMA. The agreement was reached through a body known as the Forum Terms and Conditions Committee, which was replaced by the current Joint Welsh Consultant Contract Committee (JWCCC) in 2008, where issues related to the contract are considered.
Job planning is a process through which individual Consultants agree their intended service outcomes and activities for the coming year with their employers. It covers their direct clinical care activities, their supporting professional activiltes, and any additional roles they agree to undertake for their employer or for the NHS more widely.
Appointment of Consultants in the NHS in Wales: Good Practice Guidance May 2022
It is in everyone’s interests, particularly those of patients in Wales, to ensure that high quality and skilled individuals are appointed to consultant job roles. Those roles should be interesting and varied enough to attract high calibre candidates who will want to make their career in Wales. The previous Good Practice Guidance issued in 2012 is superseded and replaced by the 2022 Guidance.
For more information please visit:
Appointment of Consultants in the NHS in Wales: Good Practice Guidance May 2022 | NHS Confederation
Gweithlu Meddygol a Deintyddol
Mae tri chategori eang o staff meddygol a deintyddol cyflogedig yn y GIG yng Nghymru: Ymgynghorwyr, Meddygon Staff ac Arbenigwyr Cyswllt, a Meddygon dan Hyfforddiant.
Mae ailddilysu yn berthnasol i bob meddyg a deintydd sydd am ymarfer yn y DU.
Yr holl staff meddygol
Mae polisïau a phrotocolau sy’n gymwys i’r holl staff meddygol a deintyddol cyflogedig yn GIG Cymru, neu i bob corff GIG sy’n cyflogi yng Nghymru.
Meddygon dan Hyfforddiant
Mae’r contract ar gyfer meddygon dan hyfforddiant yn gontract ledled y DU, y caiff ei drafod ac y cytunir arno rhwng cynrychiolwyr bob un o bedair gwlad Prydain, y gwasanaeth ledled y GIG yn cynnwys yng Nghymru, a Chymdeithas Feddygol Prydain drwy gorff a elwir yn Gydgyngor Trafod Telerau (Meddygon Iau).
Yng Nghymru, mae’r Grŵp Adolygu Meddygon Iau yn cynnwys cynrychiolwyr o’r gwasanaeth yng Nghymru, o sefydliadau addysg feddygol megis Deoniaeth Cymru, a meddygon dan hyfforddiant, Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain, a Llywodraeth Cymru, ac mae’n cyfarfod i drafod materion sy’n ymwneud â meddygon dan hyfforddiant yng Nghymru. Nid yw’n trafod telerau ac amodau gwasanaeth.
Diben ailddilysu yw sicrhau cleifion a’r cyhoedd, cyflogwyr a gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol eraill bod meddygon trwyddedig yn meddu ar y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ac yn addas i ymarfer. Drwy lywodraethu clinigol lleol, arfarnu effeithiol ac ailddilysu, bydd cyflogwyr a’r Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol yn gallu rhoi sicrwydd pellach i gleifion a’r cyhoedd bod meddygon sy’n gweithio yn y DU yn addas i ymarfer.
Lansiwyd ailddilysu yng Nghymru, ac yng ngwledydd eraill y DU, ar ddiwedd 2012.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth ewch i
Meddygon Staff ac Arbenigwyr Cyswllt
Mae’r contract ar gyfer Meddygon Staff ac Arbenigwyr Cyswllt yn gontract ledled y DU, y caiff ei drafod ac y cytunir arno rhwng cynrychiolwyr bob un o bedair gwlad Prydain, y gwasanaeth ledled y GIG yn cynnwys yng Nghymru, a Chymdeithas Feddygol Prydain drwy gorff a elwir yn Gydgyngor Trafod Telerau (Meddygon Staff ac Arbenigwyr Cyswllt). Yng Nghymru, mae Grŵp Cyfeirio Meddygon Staff ac Aelodau Cyswllt Cymru yn cynnwys cynrychiolwyr o’r gwasanaeth yng Nghymru, Meddygon Staff ac Aelodau Cyswllt, Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain, a Llywodraeth Cymru, ac mae’n cyfarfod i drafod materion sy’n ymwneud â Meddygon Staff ac Aelodau Cyswllt yng Nghymru. Nid yw’n trafod telerau ac amodau gwasanaeth.
Proses yw cynllunio swyddi lle y mae Meddygon Staff ac Arbenigwyr Cyswllt unigol yn cytuno ar eu canlyniadau gwasanaeth bwriadedig a’u gweithgareddau ar gyfer y flwyddyn i ddod gyda’u cyflogwyr. Mae’n cwmpasu eu gweithgareddau gofal clinigol uniongyrchol, eu gweithgareddau proffesiynol ategol, ac unrhyw rolau ychwanegol y maent yn cytuno i’w cyflawni ar gyfer eu cyflogwr neu ar gyfer y GIG yn ehangach.
Cyflwynwyd y Contract Ymgynghorwyr diwygiedig yng Nghymru ym mis Rhagfyr 2003. Mae hwn yn wahanol i’r contractau Ymgynghorwyr sy’n gymwys ym mhob un o wledydd eraill y DU, ac fe’i trafodwyd rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru, y gwasanaeth yng Nghymru, a Chymdeithas Feddygol Prydain. Daethpwyd i’r cytundeb drwy gorff a elwir yn Bwyllgor Telerau ac Amodau’r Fforwm, a ddisodlwyd gan Gyd-bwyllgor Contractau Ymgynghorwyr Cymru (JWCCC) yn 2008, lle yr ystyrir materion sy’n ymwneud â’r contract.
Proses yw cynllunio swyddi lle y mae Ymgynghorwyr unigol yn cytuno ar eu canlyniadau gwasanaeth bwriadedig a’u gweithgareddau ar gyfer y flwyddyn i ddod gyda’u cyflogwyr. Mae’n cwmpasu eu gweithgareddau gofal clinigol uniongyrchol, eu gweithgareddau proffesiynol ategol, ac unrhyw rolau ychwanegol y maent yn cytuno i’w cyflawni ar gyfer eu cyflogwr neu ar gyfer y GIG yn ehangach.