Gifts and Hospitality Policy
Purpose of this policy
This policy is in place to ensure the integrity and probity of the NHS Confederation, its staff, and those acting on its behalf are not compromised by the offering, acceptance or rejection of gifts or hospitality etc.
The policy and its associated procedure are part of the organisation’s overall bribery prevention procedures in accordance with the Bribery Act 2010 and in conjunction with the organisation’s Anti-Bribery Policy, which should be referred to for further information.
This policy also sets out guidance for when it is appropriate to use funds of The NHS Confederation when purchasing gifts for staff, contractors, trustees and committee members, to ensure fairness and to avoid unintended tax consequences for both the person being gifted and The NHS Confederation.
This policy applies to everyone working at or with the NHS Confederation.
It applies to:
- all staff, including chief executives, directors, senior managers, employees (whether permanent, fixed-term or temporary), seconded staff, homeworkers, agency workers and volunteers
- consultants and contractors
- trustees and committee members.
Any employing or contracting manager must ensure that all temporary staff, consultants, or contractors are aware of this policy.
By the NHS Confederation we mean the NHS Confederation charity, any subsidiary companies and any hosted networked organisation. The NHS Confederation has designated the Director of People & Governance as the individual who is responsible for ensuring that the NHS Confederation implements this policy.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the organisation’s Disciplinary Policy, Anti-Bribery Policy, Anti-Fraud Policy, Conflicts of Interest Policy, and Whistleblowing Policy.