
In conversation with Sarah Morgan

How trusts are collaborating to create sustainable services and to improve care for people and their families.

10 April 2018

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Sarah Morgan, director of organisational development and vanguard programme director at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, discusses the partnership between Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust and Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, an acute care collaboration vanguard, and how it has engaged staff in developing new models of care.

Talking to Matthew McNair-Smith, policy and membership manager at the NHS Confederation, Sarah explains how the two trusts are collaborating to create sustainable services and to improve care for people and their families.

Sarah highlights how the partnership is supporting clinicians to drive improvements in services and quality. She also shares tips for how to bring staff on-board with service change and build relationships across new teams, and offers advice on overcoming barriers to change.

This podcast is part of a briefing series by NHS Confederation, NHS Providers, NHS Clinical Commissioners and the Local Government Association to help share learning from the vanguards.