Mental Health Network: our achievements in 2021/22

The Mental Health Network (MHN) represents providers and commissioners from across the statutory, independent and third sectors. We work with government, regulators, opinion formers, media and the wider NHS to promote excellence in mental health services and the importance of good mental health.
We help shape and challenge national policy and legislation affecting our members, make sense of the broader political and policy environment, and provide you with up-to-date news and analysis. We also work to identify and spread good practice and innovation in the mental health sector.
In 2021/22, we:
- We met with senior decision-makers to influence on behalf of members and improve the health and care bill’s focus around parity of esteem.
- Our Housing Forum held an inaugural housing summit sharing learning from a series of roundtables with key decision-makers across the NHS, voluntary sector and local authorities.
- We took a leading role in developing the Mental Health Policy Group’s Comprehensive Spending Review submission, articulating the pressures facing mental health and calling for a three-pronged support approach from government.
- Our board members met with CQC chief executive Ian Trenholm, to articulate the sector’s concerns around regulation during the pandemic and highlight the need for flexibility around workforce innovation.
- We responded to the Mental Health Act Review consultation based on member feedback, and further represented members’ views through the Mental Health Alliance.
"MHN has a consistent, positive face, defending and explaining the position of the mental health sector in its entirety." Chris Hampson, Chief Executive, Look Ahead Care and Support
- We published a seminal report on children and young people’s mental health, which looked at the pandemic’s impact on this group and the services that support them.
- Focusing on the much overlooked area of learning disabilities and autism, we brought members together virtually to learn about how the sector can better support this vulnerable group.
- More than 500 staff from mental health organisations attended two webinars focusing on borderline personality disorder, sharing learning from those with lived experience, and insight from psychological professionals.
- Through the Mental Health Economics Collective, we published a report that highlighted for policy makers the systemic challenges facing the mental health sector, and offered solutions and practical cost savings.
- Our Digital Forum conducted detailed research into digital competency, resulting in a practical guide to help build digital confidence and skills within the mental health workforce.
“The ability to connect with peers and focus in on key topics has proven invaluable; I’d just like thank the network for the generous and diligent work you do, month in, month out, offering informed stimulus to us all in these often lonely roles.”
- We formed the Mental Health and Learning Disabilities/Autism System Group, bringing together members who work at system or place level and play a lead role in mental health and learning disabilities/autism.
- Our Medical Directors’ Forum held a series of roundtables focusing on children and young people's mental health in the wake of rising demand. The forum was joined by NHS England’s Prathiba Chitsabesan and Matthew Clark.
- We hosted our third cohort of the Aspiring Nurse Directors Programme, holding a series of masterclasses with senior healthcare leaders, preparing members to progress toward director positions.
- Chairs of NHS mental health trusts met with several NHS England leaders, including Kate Davies, director of health and justice, who spoke at a joint meeting with ICS chairs on offender health.
- Working with the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership, we published a collection of case studies exploring how services across the world innovated in response to the pandemic.
“This programme gave me the opportunity to shape not only my development and next steps of my career, but also my thinking and widen my horizon as a senior nurse in the world of COVID. I thoroughly enjoyed the programme and have gained great knowledge. If I had the opportunity I would do it again.” Rose Hombo, Head of Nursing, Buckinghamshire Mental Health Directorate, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Aspiring Nurse Directors Forum Cohort 2020/21
The Mental Health Network is part of the NHS Confederation. Discover how the organisation has supported organisations, systems and leaders across the country.