International innovations in mental health

Examples from across the globe exploring how mental health services have implemented innovations in response to COVID-19.
World map with location pinpoint

Mental health services had to implement innovations at pace to ensure that some of the most vulnerable people in society could continue to access mental health support, while protecting service users and staff from the virus.

The NHS Confederation’s Mental Health Network and International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL) have worked together to capture these innovations. In this series of case studies from ten countries, we see examples of how mental health services have implemented innovations in response to COVID-19.

A number of key themes emerged from the case studies:

  • the advantages of digital platforms in improving access
  • the importance of supporting the wellbeing of staff
  • using data and evaluation to drive improvements and make the financial case for innovations
  • benefits of co-producing services with service users and staff
  • and lessons in how the availability of innovations are communicated.

While the pandemic will leave behind it significant and long-lasting effects, it will also leave a legacy of accelerated innovations, the learning from which will not be soon forgotten. These innovations will improve mental health services across the globe long after the impact of the pandemic has abated.

  • While the impact of COVID-19 on mental health services may not have made front-page news, the pandemic has, and will continue to, affect services across the globe. Mental health services had to implement innovations at pace to ensure that some of the most vulnerable people in society could continue to access mental health support, while protecting service users and staff from the virus. The wider impacts of the pandemic, including loneliness, bereavement and financial insecurity meant that very quickly, services reported an increase in the severity of the level of need that service users were presenting with.

    Staff were also put under immense pressure, often putting themselves and their families at risk to provide care, while managing the impacts of lockdowns on their personal lives. Mental health services in different countries have their own unique challenges, but there are similar underlying issues. Learning from innovations can be shared across the globe, improving services and experiences for service users and staff.

Map of innovations

Case studies

The Mental Health Network

The voice of NHS-funded mental health and learning disability service providers and commissioners in England.

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