Mental Health Network – our impact

Read about our achievements on behalf of members across the mental health sector in 2024/25

We continue to support members to respond to the challenges facing the health and care system, and to advocate on your behalf for the changes you need. Here are just some of our key areas of impact in 2024/25 through the Mental Health Network.

  • We worked in partnership with Centre for Mental Health to develop a revised figure for the social and economic costs of mental ill health of £300 billion. This up-to-date understanding of the economic, human and health and care costs can support more targeted spending at a local and national level.
  • After our sustained lobbying, the new government included reforming the Mental Health Act in its first King's Speech. Following meetings with Baroness Merron, DHSC civil servants and peers, we tabled an amendment to the mental health bill to highlight the need for effective planning and resourcing to implement the reforms, particularly around services for people with learning disabilities and autistic people. 
  • We worked with the wider sector and used our collective voice to ensure the government upheld its commitment to the Mental Health Investment Standard, which has been key in starting to address the high level of unmet need. 
  • Our submission to Lord Darzi's independent review, prepared in partnership with the Royal College of Psychiatrists, was referenced several times in his final report, highlighting the serious physical health inequalities experienced by people with serious mental illness, as well as the condition of mental health estates and the impact this has on patients.
  • We worked with NHS England to improve the consistency of definitions around out-of-area placements, which are relevant to both our NHS and independent sector members. We also published an explainer briefing on the role of independent providers in NHS mental health and learning disabilities sector. 
  • From conference sessions on improving ADHD pathways and leadership development, to webinars on addressing substance use challenges, we brought together members from across the voluntary, independent and statutory sectors to reflect, learn and improve their own approach to delivering high-quality care and support.

A united voice for health and care

Discover how the NHS Confederation has provided a united voice for health and care in 2024/25.

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