Spotlight on Jenny Bostock

Tell us a little bit about yourself
I trained as a nurse at The Middlesex Hospital, which has since been demolished (although the Fitzrovia chapel still remains) and worked in several hospitals before moving into primary care 26 years ago. I worked initially as a Practice Nurse and then undertook further training to work in my current clinical role as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP).
I have always been passionate about nursing in Primary Care, with a focus on quality and safety. I was the nurse voice for our local CCG and have had leadership roles that have enabled me to represent General Practice Nurses, working with educationalists to support and ensure competencies protect both patients and the workforce. I have been instrumental in setting up clinical supervision in our PCN, which was particularly needed during Covid and now use my leadership skills to engage with practices in my role a Nurse Clinical Director
When did you join NHS Confederation and why?
I became aware of the NHS Confederation in 2021 when I was invited to a regional meeting by a colleague. I was impressed by the passion and enthusiasm of the group. There was a position in the South East on the board, so I applied wanting to join this diverse group, who seemed to be shakers and movers in Primary Care. I was honoured to be able to sit on the board, now the Advisory Group with highly experienced specialists that were advising and influencing NHS England with realistic expectations, shaping the course of Primary Care.
The NHS Confederation is an organisation that acts and does, rather than sits and waits to be told what to do, being part of this organisation is an opportunity for the nursing voice to be louder.
What excites you the most about the direction of the NHS Confederation, and how will you contribute towards it?
As a member of the Primary care Network's Advisory Group, I am excited to see how we face the huge challenges in healthcare and find solutions.
General Practice has been negatively portrayed in the press; I want to be part of a system that can turn the public’s opinion back to positive comments through collaboration and integration, showcasing excellence and replicating good models of care around the country.
NHS Confederation is the voice of primary care and a forum for leaders to champion innovation and provide opinions that can shape and influence at higher levels as well as on the frontline.
What does it mean to you to be a member of the Primary Care Network Advisory Group?
Being part of this amazing group and listening to the enthusiasm and positivity in problem solving, as well as the measured debates, has made me realise that I need to be part of this group for support, ideas, and networking. While the NHS is at an all-time low, NHS Confederation provides energy and innovation and welcomes challenges as a united front. The nurse voice also champions other non-medical clinicians’ working in Primary Care.
My role is to ensure they are represented and included as we navigate changes to the Primary Care landscape.
What is something members of the network, staff and even other Advisory Board members might be surprised to know about you?
I hold the title of Queen’s Nurse, which is awarded to individual nurses who have demonstrated a high level of commitment to patient care and nursing practice. There are approximately two thousand in the country and I feel honoured to have been awarded this title in recognition of my work so far.
I also hate Marmite!
How would you fill an unexpected day off?
I would spend the day seeing family and friends.