Diversity Taskforce December Engagement Session
This event is one of two virtual workshops where we will present the findings from a recent survey conducted by the Taskforce for Diversity in NHS Communications.
The survey, part of a broader initiative to improve diversity in the NHS, gathered insights from over 300 ethnic minority communicators and engagement specialists across the NHS, charity and commercial sectors. Some headline findings include:
Motivation and values: The research highlights that 44% of respondents are drawn to communications within the NHS, motivated by a desire to make a positive impact.
Exodus of talent: A significant proportion of ethnic minority communicators (26%) do not see themselves working in the NHS in three years. Among Black respondents, this figure rises to 37%. Experiences of poor management, racial discrimination and a lack of trust in the institution drive this.
Inclusion issues: The survey revealed perceptions that communications roles within the NHS are an elite 'club,' where opportunities for advancement primarily favour those who fit a certain profile.
Comparative job satisfaction: A staggering 68% of professionals who have left the NHS to other employers report higher satisfaction in their current roles.
Older NHS professionals are less satisfied: Within the NHS, satisfaction among BME comms professionals declines with age, with those aged 45+ years being the least satisfied. Outside of the NHS, the reverse is true, with older professionals being the most satisfied.
These workshops will not only focus on sharing data, but also an important opportunity for us to collectively explore the insights gathered and contribute to developing meaningful recommendations to enhance the experience of all communications professionals and improve diversity and inclusion.
The session will take place on Microsoft Teams. As such, by joining this event, your name and email address may be visible through Microsoft Teams to other members of the network. This is functionality of Microsoft Teams we cannot alter. By signing up to this event you are consenting for your data to be visible in this way. Please note, during the meeting you may be able to turn off your camera and alter your name.