
Embedding health on the high street

This webinar, the fifth in our series, discusses practical approaches to moving health onto the high street, as well as the wider policy context.
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25 June 2025 14:00 - 15:00 GMT
NHS Confederation member


Shifting health from hospitals and into communities, preventative healthcare, and local regeneration are all central objectives of the government. Similar efforts have been made before, but what makes this time different? And what role can and should trusts play in this?

The dual need to alleviate demand upon emergency departments and reinvigorate local areas has united policy makers and NHS leaders to embark on the ambitious goal of embedding health on the high street. This webinar looks at the new approach, with examples of best practice. 

This is the fifth part of a series being led by Michael Wood, head of Health Economic Partnerships. Michael advises NHS leaders nationally and locally on policy, strategy, partnerships and funding relating to the local economy, including in areas such as skills and workforce, estates, innovation, population health and finance. 

Health Economic Partnerships

You will be automatically signed up to the full series of webinars, but you can of course choose which you would like to attend according to your interests or the needs of your organisation. Please note that the final three sessions are exclusively for NHS Confederation members. 

The series:

  • ‘Putting health at the heart of your local economy’ - Wednesday 26 February 2025, 2-3:30pm (90 mins)  
  • ‘Your role in an anchor system’ - Wednesday 26 March 2025, 2-3pm (60 mins)
  • ‘Reimagining how we work with our universities, colleges and schools’ - Wednesday 23 April 2025, 2-3pm (60 mins) 
  • ‘What devolution means for the NHS’ - Wednesday 4 June 2025, 2-3pm (60 mins)
  • ‘Embedding health on the high street’ - Wednesday 25 June 2025, 2-3pm (60 mins) 
  • ‘Quantifying the economic impact of the NHS and maximising our social value’ - Wednesday 23 July 2025, 2-3pm (60 mins)

If you would like more information on becoming a member of the NHS Confederation please contact us here or reach out to our Acute Network director Rory Deighton for an informal conversation.


The sessions are primarily open to those at director level and above from NHS trusts, including non-executive directors, and particularly chairs and chief executives.

We are happy to be flexible on wider participation if the session fits closely with your work area.