Acute Network

We empower, support and create collaboration across acute trusts, ambulance services and integrated providers to improve patient care and services.
A hospital corridor

Our Acute Network is a national voice for acute trusts, ambulance services and integrated providers. We empower, support and create collaboration across acute trusts, ambulance services and integrated providers to improve patient care and services.

We provide a voice and support for you by influencing national policy, sharing best practice and engaging with leaders across the health and social care system. We work with government, regulators, national bodies, media and the wider NHS, and we support you in your leadership role at place level and within systems.

We are a platform for collaborative working, sharing good practice and innovative thinking for solutions to the current pressures and challenges faced in acute care – at both individual and organisational levels. Our forums, webinars, improvement insights and working groups provide unique opportunities for leaders at all levels to connect, share ideas, share challenges and provide a space for learning​.

Who is the Acute Network for?

  • Acute NHS trusts and foundation trusts
  • NHS trusts who provide integrated services, including acute care, primary care, community care, mental health and ambulance services.
  • Ambulance service trusts

Find out more about what we do and become a member.

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Benefit from a new type of support for a new and changing NHS.

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Networks & countries

We meet the specific needs of different parts of our membership across the UK and Europe through our various networks and support programmes.

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