Our Acute Network forums

Connect with leaders to develop solutions to shared challenges.

Through our engagement forums and networks, we listen and provide a safe space for discussion to ensure the concerns, challenges and views of our members are heard at a strategic and national level, to help influence policymaking and change, as well as to highlight the current climate in acute services. 

All of our forums meet virtually via Microsoft Teams. If you would like to join any of the groups or require further information, please email our team.

Join a forum

  • Chatham House advisory group for acute chief executives to form collective action and recommendations on what matters to you, turning conversation to action. 


    • A confidential space to collaborate and work collectively on priority areas.
    • Work alongside peers to discuss, share and understand challenges, successes and future planning.
    • Connect acute vision to wider system context and opportunities to drive policy change.
  • Shared leadership structures are now a feature over a third of NHS trusts. This forum will work with group model leaders to collaborate on best practice, share learning and recommend standard working models, as well as review own working practices with peers. 


    • Build on the findings of our report on shared leadership.
    • Influence and shape policy on group model working practices.
    • Learn from and collaborate with peers.
    • Tap into wider improvement opportunities through this group.
  • Patient safety, risk and clinical outcomes are important factors that need to be included in policymaking decisions. This group enables members with clinical expertise to influence how we engage with government and national policymakers, as well as learn from each other. 


    • Ensure the clinical voice is included in decision-making.
    • Advocate on behalf of clinical leaders. 
    • Learn from and collaborate with peers.
    • Tap into wider improvement opportunities through this group. 
    • Amplify diverse clinical leaders’ voices, experiences and recommendations in improvement and shaping outcomes.

    This group meets on the first Thursday of each month from 5–6PM.

  • This forum provides the opportunity for senior leaders to influence national policy, provide input to decision-making as well as learn from their peers. It enables priority areas and concerns for members to be escalated and used to advocate the right changes needed. 


    • Ensure the operational management voice is included in decision-making.
    • Advocate on behalf of operational leaders and shape policy decisions based on what is really happening.
    • Learn from and collaborate with peers to share learning and challenges.
    • Connect to wider improvement opportunities through this group.
  • This forum provides a direct connection with civil servants from the No. 10 Delivery Unit on current health policy matters and provides members with the opportunity to provide feedback, insight and suggestions on a wide range of topics. 


    • Shape national health policy. 
    • Connect with national decision-makers to ensure the voice of acute members is acted on. 
    • Collaborate with peers and share experiences and concerns.

We also offer 1:1 opportunities to connect with Matthew Taylor, NHS Confederation chief executive, as well as our network director Rory Deighton. Simply reach out via email to arrange a confidential call.

This is a space to gain insight into the latest national and political development, share what matters to you, highlight issues, concerns and recommendations.

WhatsApp Group

Our WhatsApp group serves as a direct two-way communication channel between operational leaders, clinical colleagues, and the NHS Confederation media team. 

It facilitates the swift sharing of frontline issues that need to be raised in the media on your behalf. By providing detailed and informed insights from members on the frontline, we can effectively defend the NHS and advocate for the critical changes our members seek to move towards. IF you would like to be part of this group, please email us.