About the Acute Network

We support you by providing an influential national voice and bringing you together with leaders across the health and care system.

We represent providers from across the country on matters relating to patient flow, elective recovery, urgent and emergency care and other key issues.  As a network, we engage with stakeholders and key policy makers and aim to influence the policy and operational environment on behalf of our members. 

Our work is centred around the two principles of influencing and improvement, and we respond with agility to the changing policy environment and the role of providers within that context.

​We ensure our members' views, their expert knowledge and concerns on the issues that matter most to them are at the centre of the work we do. ​

We focus on:​

  1. Highlighting and communicating the current climate in acute care, particularly where there are barriers to achieving national ambitions and what further support is needed, including in terms of finance and capital. 

  2. The government's three shifts – from hospital to community, analogue to digital, and from treatment to prevention, and how these can be practically achieved within current constraints.

  3. Influencing national policymaking and legislation​, and providing updates, news, analysis and insights from a strategic perspective ​about latest developments as they occur.

  4. Identifying, showcasing and spreading good practice across our membership and the wider health and care system. We also work with our media team to tell positive stories about the work of members and where there are opportunities for scaling.

Our priorities for the coming year

Contact us for more information or to get involved in any of the programmes listed. 

WhenArea of work and overview
MarchBespoke board sessions for acute providers on strategic political and social insights, dilemmas and opportunities, with NHS Confederation chief executive Matthew Taylor.
MarchBeginning of six-part webinar series on Health Economic Partnerships, to run until August. Sessions on local growth, health on the high-street, the role of trusts as anchor institutions, devolution, working with local partners, and how to quantify your social and economic impact.
AprilValuing patient time, a programme providing practical support to help trusts reduce deconditioning for patients in hospital and provide care closer to home for people at end-of-life.
AprilTargets and performance in acute hospitals: A work programme to better understand the flow and regulation of performance targets in acute hospitals.
MayMental Health and Acute Improvement Collaborative: Bringing mental health and acute providers together, this programme will support effective working across systems to improve care and experience for patients with mental health needs who attend acute A&E services.
JunePrimary and acute improvement sprints: Building on the success of our Primary and Secondary Care Collaborative, these sprints will focus on reducing bureaucracy across sectors and collectively implementing improvements.
JuneOperational leadership and administration: With significant cuts and challenges to non-clinical roles – especially administrative roles – we will work with members to raise awareness of the value of these functions as well as the challenges, support and investment needed.
JulyFirst Time Chief Executives’ Programme: Designed for senior leaders embarking on their first NHS chief executive role, our programme provides peer support and an opportunity for new executives to discuss key issues and shared challenges.
JulyElective recovery – surgery: This research project will take a focused look at the role of innovation and improvement in elective recovery, including the challenges in meeting the ambitious targets of the elective recovery plan, with a particular focus on surgical elective pathways.
JulyUrgent and emergency care attendance and access: This project will describe and advocate for whole-system actions and collaboration on steps to help reduce unnecessary attendance and access to A&E.
AugustWinter pressures: Every winter is a significant challenge, yet there are opportunities and support that could reduce this. We will work with members to develop practical solutions and to shape policy.
OctoberElective recovery – outpatients: We will work with members on outpatient recovery, providing advice and guidance.
OctoberUrgent and emergency care patient flow and bed capacity: Understanding, describing and advocating for whole-system actions and collaboration on steps to improve discharge and early transfer of patients in hospital.
NovemberEmpowering patients in decision-making: This project will raise understanding of the progress and impact of empowering patients through providing greater choice and control.

Supporting improvement

We are always looking for good stories to tell about how the NHS is innovating and improving services for patients. If you have a something to share, please email us.

Interested in membership?

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