How to build an effective team
Understand what your workforce needs to develop, thrive and be effective, and how training hubs can support you to achieve this. Bradford South PCN leadership team share their learning and experience.
How to...use your development funding
Birmingham Solihull CCG and Solihealth PCN join in discussion to share how they have worked collaboratively to make the best use of PCN development funding.
How to support the personalised workforce in primary care
In this session you will hear from PCNs who have recruited social prescribing link workers, health and wellbeing coaches and care coordinators and learn how they are using the roles to deliver personalised care, tackle local neighbourhood health inequalities and reduce pressure on primary care. You will also hear from NHSEI on how PCNs can access the support offers available to this workforce.
How to manage estates
This session will demonstrate the utilisation of alternative estate to deliver primary care through looking at the opportunities, benefits and challenges as well as what considerations need to be factored in when looking at your estate plans to help inform future investment strategies at system level.