
Unlocking the Potential of CCG Lay Members

An overview of the work of the Non-Executive Talent and Appointments Team within NHS England and Improvement.
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23 February 2022 14:00 - 16:00 GMT
Member only


  • Keely Howard External link icon
    Non-Executive Talent and Appointments Team NHS England and Improvement

This session was aimed at current Clinical Commissioning Group Lay Members in order to look at how they can use their skills, experience and knowledge in other Non-Executive roles within the NHS. The session provided an overview of the work of the Non-Executive Talent and Appointments Team within NHS England and Improvement and offer practical advice on how to join their recruitment database in order to access future opportunities.

The speakers was Keely Howard, Non-Executive Talent and Appointments Team, NHS England and Improvement, and the session will be chaired by Jason Stamp, Chair Lay Member Network, NHS Clinical Commissioners.

Topics covered in the session:

  • Context of the Non-Exec Talent and Appointments team – including covering the difference between NHS Trusts/FTs
  • What providers look for in NEDs – covering essential/desirable criteria
  • Opportunities are arising in the system on provider boards
  • How and where we advertise – including sign up to receive alerts on our website here, cabinet office (who advertises other NED roles, not just health), Women on Boards
  • Talent database and informing of suitable vacancies as they arise
  • Importance of covering letter and tailoring CV
  • Support for NEDs including induction, GGI, PwC
  • Diversity initiatives – including NExT Director scheme, Gatenby Sanderson project