Watch: Health inequality and air pollution – are we joining the dots?

This event is fully funded by Boehringer Ingelheim and co-created with the NHS Confederation.
The impact of air pollution is exacerbating health inequalities within our communities.[i] Exposure to air pollution disproportionately affects the most deprived areas of the country, worsening the risk to the most vulnerable in society.[ii]
Working together at an Integrated Care System (ICS) level brings opportunities for new approaches to tackling health inequalities and population health management through addressing environmental factors such as air pollution.
Watch the recording of this virtual workshop discussion with Professor Sir Chris Witty, Chief Medical Officer for England, the UK government’s Chief Medical Adviser and head of the public health profession, Larissa Lockwood, Director of Clean Air at Global Action Plan and Peter Lillie, Sustainability Strategy Consultant at the Academic Health Science Network, North East & North Cumbria chaired by Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation. We will learn about the recent findings and recommendations from the CMO report on air pollution, discuss strategies for adopting the ICS Clean Air Framework to improve health outcomes and highlight the invaluable role of connecting air pollution and health inequalities, enabling ICS leaders to address both challenges effectively.
Delegates will be invited into breakout rooms to discuss with peers the opportunities and barriers within their own systems. They will leave this session with ideas on how to integrate their approach to health inequalities and air pollution, to create better health outcomes for all.
[i] How Air Pollution Makes Society More Unequal. Asthma + Lung UK. Available at: (Accessed: March 21, 2023).
[ii] Air Pollution: Applying All Our Health (2021) GOV.UK. Available at: (Accessed: March 21, 2023).
Date of Preparation - June 2023 NP-GB-103701