
Webinar: Duty of Candour & Duty of Quality

Informative and interactive session on the new statutory Duties of Quality and Candour for the NHS and the role of Llais, the new citizen voice body.

General information

28 July 2023 11:00 - 12:00 GMT
Open to all

The Welsh Government and the NHS Executive Quality and Safety programme will be delivering a webinar on the new statutory Duties of Quality and Candour for the NHS and the role of “Llais” - the new citizen voice body.

This will be a practical session with information, interactive sessions and practical case studies to help attendees to identify the impact of these duties on healthcare in Wales. There will be an opportunity for questions and answers.


Ben Brown – Programme Manager for the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) Wales Act (2020). Quality and Nursing Directorate, Welsh Government

Mark Madams – Clinical lead the Duty of Candour – Quality and Nursing Directorate, Welsh Government

Catherine Bridges – Programme Director, NHS Wales Quality and Safety Programme, NHS Wales Executive

Maria Roberts – Duty of Quality Implementation Lead, NHS Wales Quality and Safety Programme, NHS Wales Executive

Please email info@welshnhsconfed.org to book your place.