Health on the edge: What needs to change?
General information
- Time
- 12 September 2023 08:30 - 17:00 GMT
- Audience
- Open to all
- Event location
- Cardiff, CF14 3NY
- Sponsor
- ABPI Cymru Wales Novartis Optum

After the huge success of 2022’s conference and exhibition, the Welsh NHS Confederation’s flagship event is returning to the All Nations Centre, Cardiff, this September.
Bringing together leaders from across health and care and beyond, delegates will hear from industry experts, take part in interactive workshops and have ample opportunity to network with other delegates and exhibitors. We’ll be covering areas including workforce, integration, population health, innovation, the role of health in the economy, finance and more.

This year our conference reception and dinner is back and open to all!
Taking place at the Hilton Hotel, Cardiff, on the evening of Monday 11 September, this year's reception and dinner are sponsored by BT Health.
This will be an opportunity for informal discussions with health and care leaders from across Wales.
Please email for details.
Event programme
Conference opens and introduction
Owain Clarke
Health Correspondent, BBC Wales
Owain Clarke has been BBC Cymru Wales’ health correspondent since July 2012. He works on TV, radio and online in both Welsh and English. Owain also contributes to the BBC’s UK-wide news programmes. Before becoming health correspondent, Owain spent more than 10 years working in the politics team, as a correspondent at Westminster and reporter in Cardiff Bay. He has also reported on numerous international summits and covered several US election campaigns.
Emma Woollett
Chair, Welsh NHS Confederation & Swansea Bay University Health Board
Emma has held executive, non-executive and advisory positions across private and public sector industries including health, retail, utilities and rail. Her expertise is managing change and strategy development. She has a particular interest encouraging exchange of ideas between different organisations and sectors to find innovative solutions. Her career started in the oil industry, she then joined Somerfield plc in a business development and marketing role and became Marketing Director for Kwik Save Stores following the merger with Somerfield and oversaw a transformation in performance. She has deployed her business and strategic experience in the NHS, providing planning and governance advice to hospitals. A non-executive director University Hospitals Bristol for over 10 years, appointed Vice Chair when the trust achieved Foundation Trust status. Chair at Swansea Bay since 2019, building a strong board leading to significant improvements in performance and delivery.
Keynote Address
Eluned Morgan MS
Minister for Health and Social Services, Welsh Government
Born in 1967 in Cardiff, educated at Glantaf Welsh language school. Eluned’s political career started at age 27 when elected as the youngest Member of the European Parliament. She became the Labour spokesperson on industry, science and energy and spokesperson for the 200 strong Socialist Group on Budget Control matters. Authored the Green Paper on energy for the EP and led Parliament’s discussions on the Electricity Directive. Served as Shadow Minister for Wales in the House of Lords. 2014-2016 was Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs. She was granted a peerage in 2011 formally known as Baroness Morgan of Ely. Elected to the National Assembly May 2016 as regional member for Mid & West Wales. Minister for Welsh Language and Lifelong Learning November 2017. Minister for International Relations and the Welsh Language December 2018. Minister for Health and Social Services since May 2021.
Health on the edge: What needs to change?
Matthew Taylor
Chief Executive, NHS Confederation
Matthew joined the NHS Confederation as Chief Executive in June 2021.
Matthew is a high-profile public figure who has had a distinguished career at the heart of public policy for the last 20 years. He has led the RSA for 15 years and during that time he has transformed the organisation into a global institution, with 30,000 fellows and a high-profile and influential research programme.
Before that he was Chief Adviser on Political Strategy to Prime Minister Tony Blair, and he also ran the Institute for Public Policy Research for four years. He is a widely known commentator on policy, politics and public service reform and regularly appears on national media programmes, including as a panellist on BBC Radio 4’s Moral Maze. He was also commissioned by the Conservative Government in 2016 to carry out an independent review into modern employment practices.
Hiding in plain sight: Can secondary prevention deliver rapid and tangible impacts on health inequalities and population health?
Session sponsored by:Recently, Dr Frank Atherton, Wales' Chief Medical Officer, contributed to an editorial in the British Medical Journal which called for an increased focus on “evidence based, preventive measures to help stop or delay disease” as part of current NHS Recovery efforts. Given this combined belief in the health gains made through secondary prevention, now is the right time to understand how this can be optimised going forward.
In this session the panel will discuss what’s worked, what’s not and what opportunities exist to extend lives and improve service efficiency through a fully functional approach to secondary prevention and what opportunities exist to reduce health inequalities through this refreshed approach.
Session chair:
Judith Paget CBE
Director General of Health and Social Services & Chief Executive NHS Wales
Appointed Interim Director General of Health and Social Services/Chief Executive NHS Wales November 2021 and made permanent in June 2023. Previously Chief Executive, Aneurin Bevan UHB from 2014, joining in 2009 as Director of Planning & Operations, subsequently Chief Operating Officer/Deputy CEO before her appointment as Chief Executive. Joined the NHS in 1980 and undertook various operational, planning and commissioning roles in NHS organisations across south, mid and west Wales. Appointed to her first CEO role April 2003. A keen interest in partnership working across public services; primary care and community development; value-based healthcare, staff development and engagement. Awarded a Companionship of the Institute of Health Service Managers in 2012 and in June 2014 won the Institute of Directors – Director in Public Service Award for Wales. Was awarded a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for her services to delivery and management in NHS Wales June 2010.
Jonathan Goodfellow
National Clinical Lead, Wales Cardiac Network
Jonathan trained at the Medical College of St Bartholomew’s Hospital qualifying in 1985. His cardiology training started in Bristol before transferring to Cardiff to do research, followed by appointment as a Senior Registrar. In 1999 he was appointed as a Senior Lecturer in Cardiology at the Wales Heart Research Institute, and NHS cardiologist in Bridgend. In 2005 he became a full-time NHS consultant in Bridgend. He was Medical Director at Princess of Wales Hospital from 2015 to 2018. He is the immediate past-President of both the Welsh Cardiovascular Society and the Society of Physicians in Wales. He is currently the National Clinical Lead of the Wales Cardiac Network.
Dr Sally Lewis
Director, Welsh Value in Health Centre
Sally was a GP for 24 years and has front-line experience of primary care at its most challenging. She entered a career in medical management in 2011 and was appointed to Assistant Medical Director for Value-Based care in the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board in 2014. Since 2018, Sally has been leading the national Value-Based healthcare programme in Wales, and is director of the Welsh Value in Health Centre. She is an Honorary Professor at Swansea School of Medicine.
Paul Mears
Chief Executive, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board
Paul Mears has been Chief Executive of Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board since September 2020. Paul is the national CEO lead in the Welsh NHS for innovation and also leads the delivery of value based healthcare across the country.
Prior to this role Paul spent two years as independent management consultant advising a number of clients in both the public and private healthcare sector as well as digital healthcare businesses. This included is working as a Senior Advisor to McKinsey & Company. Paul was previously Chief Executive of Yeovil District Hospital in Somerset where he established the Symphony Programme designed to integrate care across primary care, the acute hospital and community services. Paul started his NHS career in Torbay where he was instrumental in setting up Torbay Care Trust and leading the operational business of one of the first integrated community health and social care organisations in England as well as working as Chief Operating Officer at Torbay Hospital.
Delivering a memorable customer and colleague experience
In this session Linda will look at why a great customer and colleague experience matters now more than ever. She will share stories of organisations that have been successful at delivering ‘brilliant basics and magic touches’ which are high on value but low in cost. Linda will explore the connection between employee and customer satisfaction and look at examples of leadership at every level in the organisation.
Linda Moir
Owner of Putneyred, Customer Experience expert
An expert in HR and customer service, Linda headed the London 2012 dream team that delivered outstanding front of house service by 15,000 volunteer Games Makers to 9 million spectators, resulting in one of the most successful Olympic and Paralympic Games in history. Previously she was Virgin Atlantic’s Director of In-Flight Services, responsible for the airline’s award winning service and ‘making flying fun.’
Using the electronic health record to transform planned healthcare in Wales
This session is supported by Digital Health and Care Wales.
This session will cover:
- Transforming elective care through digital and data
- Enabling regional diagnostics and regional working
- Electronic content and data
- Collecting and safely sharing patient data to improve care outcomes
Session chair:Rhidian Hurle
Executive Medical Director, Digital Health and Care Wales & Chief Clinical Information Officer Wales
Rhidian Hurle was appointed Chief Clinical Information Officer for Wales and Medical Director of NHS Wales Informatics Services in 2015, prior to joining DHCW. He is a part time Consultant Urological Surgeon in Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB and, in 2008, was awarded an MD from Cardiff University for research into prostate cancer.
He holds a postgraduate diploma in medical education and masters with distinction in Digital Health Leadership and is a founding fellow of the Faculty of Clinical Informatics. Rhidian has a keen interest in technology as an enabler of high-quality health care delivery, with a focus on user interfaces.
Rebecca Cook
National Data Resource (NDR) Programme Director, Digital Health and Care Wales
Rebecca is an accomplished Health Informatics professional with over 18 years’ experience working in a national informatics organisation specialising in data management. She took on the role of NDR Programme Director in June 2021. The NDR (National Data Resource) is a programme that aims to make it easier to connect health and care data to improve the ability to access, move, link and utilise data across Health and Care in Wales.
Darren Lloyd
Associate Director of Information Governance and Patient Safety, Digital Health and Care Wales
Darren has work extensively within centralised NHS Wales administration services for more than 35 years.
Over the past 20 years, he has worked more exclusively within the areas of Information Governance compliance.
Darren is responsible for a team of Information Governance professionals that provide support for the implementation of key IG products within Wales to include:
• IG Toolkit for Wales
• DPO Service for General Practitioners within Wales
• Wales Accord for Sharing Personal Information - WASPI
• National Intelligent Integrated Audit Solution – NIIAS
Rachael Powell
Associate Director of Information, Intelligence and Research, Digital Health and Care Wales
Rachael leads the Information Services, e-Library Services and Research and Innovation teams within DHCW. Collectively these teams are responsible for driving better value and outcomes through research, innovation and data.
The teams are also responsible for expanding and improving the use of digital and data to improve health and care though better engagement with clinical users.
The team are currently developing their Information and Analytics Strategy for how they can support health and care service better through the provision of information that will lead to actionable insights.
Creating a partnership of equals: The challenge and opportunity of collaborative workingIn this session leaders from England's Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) will discuss the challenges they have faced since ICSs were introduced and how they have been overcome to create cohesive working partnerships - and the opportunities we have in Wales to improve integrated working.
ICSs are partnerships that bring together NHS organisations, local authorities and other organisations to take collective responsibility for planning services, improving health and reducing inequalities across geographical areas.
Session chair:
Emma Woollett
Chair of Swansea Bay University Health Board and Chair of West Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board
Chair of Swansea Bay University Health Board and Chair of West Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board
Emma has held executive, non-executive and advisory positions across private and public sector industries including health, retail, utilities and rail. Her expertise is managing change and strategy development. She has a particular interest encouraging exchange of ideas between different organisations and sectors to find innovative solutions. Her career started in the oil industry, she then joined Somerfield plc in a business development and marketing role and became Marketing Director for Kwik Save Stores following the merger with Somerfield and oversaw a transformation in performance. She has deployed her business and strategic experience in the NHS, providing planning and governance advice to hospitals. A non-executive director University Hospitals Bristol for over 10 years, appointed Vice Chair when the trust achieved Foundation Trust status. Chair at Swansea Bay since 2019, building a strong board leading to significant improvements in performance and delivery.Jonathan Higman
Chief Executive Officer, Somerset Integrated Care Board
Jonathan Higman is the Chief Executive of NHS Somerset Integrated Care Board (ICB), one of the 42 ICBs established across the NHS in England in July 2022. NHS Somerset is the organisation that is responsible for developing a plan to meeting the current and future health needs of the people of Somerset in order to improve the overall health of the population; manage the NHS budget for the county and arrange the provision of local health services.
Jonathan has worked for the NHS for over 20 years with experience in both commissioning and provider organisations. Before taking up post as Chief Executive of NHS Somerset he was the Chief Executive of Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, where he led the trust to the point of merger with Somerset NHS Foundation Trust creating the first fully integrated Foundation Trust in England, responsible for the provision of acute, mental health and community services, together with almost a quarter of the general practice.
Fiona Slevin-Brown
Place Director Wiltshire for the Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Fiona Slevin-Brown was appointed as the Place Director Wiltshire for the Bath, and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) Integrated Care Board in July 2022. She also holds the Executive Lead for Primary Care, and Community Services for the ICB. Fiona has extensive healthcare experience at regional and local level. Fiona was a registered Podiatrist for over 30 years, and has held a wide range of clinical and managerial roles during her extensive NHS career. Her clinical experience has been invaluable in the variety of managerial roles she has held, including as the Director of Strategy for both Berkshire West and Berkshire East Clinical Commissioning Groups. Fiona has extensive experience of engaging with and building effective local partnerships to deliver positive change for local communities. She lives in Wiltshire with her family.
Ian Perrin
Senior Policy Advisor, ICS Network – NHS Confederation
In his current role as Senior Policy Advisor, Ian led the development of the ICS Network’s strategy for 2023/24 and worked closely on the establishment of Integrated Care Partnerships, place-based partnerships and provider collaboratives. He has supported members on the development of integrated care strategies and leads the network’s programmes on clinical and care professional leadership.
The power of learning from innovation and reflection during times of crisisThis session is supported by ADSS Cymru
In this session delegates will hear about inspirational case studies that demonstrate learnings and success stories in the delivery of care during Covid-19 when social service delivery teams had to pivot to new ways of working and needed to be innovative amidst staffing challenges.
As the wellbeing of staff emerged as the most important factor, the power in taking the time to reflect and be inspired during times of crisis has been seen as essential in creating positive experiences.
Sarah Day
Business Unit Lead, ADSS Cymru
Rebecca Roberts
Lead for Prevention and Service Development, Childcare Team, Wrexham County Council
Gwawr Williams
Regional Workforce Engagement Officer, Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
I’m Gwawr Williams, my role is as the regional workforce engagement officer for the Cwm Taf Morgannwg region. As part of my role I am the care connector between the region and the WeCare Wales campaign which promotes careers in social care and the early years, childcare and play. I started in this role during May 2020, when the country was in lockdown which was a huge adjustment from my previous role as a nursery manager surrounded by a large team. The role has been challenging and I am enjoying making it my own and using a variety of events and projects to raise the profile of working in social care, early years, childcare and play.
Project Description:
The project is a continuation of work begun by the WeCare Wales campaign. The aim is to promote careers in social care, early years, childcare and play by bringing the sector to life. We have a group of 30+ ambassadors who are passionate about working in the sectors and deliver sessions in schools, colleges, job centres and at jobs fairs alongside myself. It’s my hope that hearing the ambassadors stories about how they came into care, their day to day work life and personal achievements inspire the students and job seekers to consider a career in care. The project at a regional level was launched in October 2021 and has grown in popularity with schools and colleges across the region requesting ambassador talks regularly.
Together Stronger, SustainablyThis session is supported by ABPI Cymru Wales
This session will highlight key projects in Wales that support our NHS to be delivered sustainably as we move beyond its 75th birthday.
Martin Davies from Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board will talk about Your Medicines, Your Health. Part of the Bevan Commission's Let’s Not Waste programme, its adoption supports the Minister for Health and Social Services' recent call to reduce waste across the health system.
Joining Martin will be Daniel Shard from Ipsen Biopharm, Wrexham who will describe how innovative, green pharmaceuticals are delivered here in Wales. Finally, Andy Sumpter from AstraZeneca will discuss their work across the UK.
Session chair:Paul Mears
Chief Executive, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board / SRO Innovation
Paul Mears has been Chief Executive of Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board since September 2020. Paul is the national CEO lead in the Welsh NHS for innovation and also leads the delivery of value based healthcare across the country.
Prior to this role Paul spent two years as independent management consultant advising a number of clients in both the public and private healthcare sector as well as digital healthcare businesses. This included is working as a Senior Advisor to McKinsey & Company. Paul was previously Chief Executive of Yeovil District Hospital in Somerset where he established the Symphony Programme designed to integrate care across primary care, the acute hospital and community services. Paul started his NHS career in Torbay where he was instrumental in setting up Torbay Care Trust and leading the operational business of one of the first integrated community health and social care organisations in England as well as working as Chief Operating Officer at Torbay Hospital.
Martin Davies
Lead for Medication Adherence, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board
Martin is the lead for medication adherence at Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board (CTMUHB). He graduated from Liverpool School of Pharmacy in 1978 and has worked for CTMUHB (or its legacy organisations) for 45 years. Martin has managed the pharmacy at Ysbyty Cwm Rhondda since 1988 and has recently semi-retired to focus on Your Medicines Your Health (YMYH).
Martin’s most recent challenge has seen him as medicines management lead for the Covid vaccination programme. Improving patient health and wellbeing by supporting their use of medication is
the next challenge he is looking forward to developing
through YMYH both locally and nationally.
Daniel Shard
Site Capital Projects Manager, Ipsen Biopharm
Dan joined Ipsen in 2016 as Manufacturing Engineering Manager, transitioning into the role of Site Capital Projects manager in 2019 responsible for delivering the site’s portfolio of projects. Prior to this Dan studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Manchester then spent 12 years working at Eli Lilly in various Engineering leadership positions. He has had significant involvement in leading sustainability within the industry acting as site NRP lead at Eli Lilly, delivering the Ipsen sites portfolio of sustainability projects, and is currently involved in a UCL research project for Green pharma, and sits on the ISPE sustainable pharma forum.
Andy Sumpter
Head of Population Health, AstraZeneca
Andy is a senior pharmaceutical leader with in AstraZeneca UK with over 20 years’ experience of leading teams & driving patient-focused outcomes. He is responsible for AstraZeneca’s population health efforts to form ambitious purpose-led partnerships with partners across the UK that transform outcomes at the population health level.
Using the electronic health record to transform planned healthcare in Wales
This session is supported by Digital Health and Care Wales.
This session will cover:
- Transforming elective care through digital and data
- Enabling regional diagnostics and regional working
- Electronic content and data
- Collecting and safely sharing patient data to improve care outcomes
Session chair:Rhidian Hurle
Executive Medical Director, Digital Health and Care Wales & Chief Clinical Information Officer Wales
Rhidian Hurle was appointed Chief Clinical Information Officer for Wales and Medical Director of NHS Wales Informatics Services in 2015, prior to joining DHCW. He is a part time Consultant Urological Surgeon in Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB and, in 2008, was awarded an MD from Cardiff University for research into prostate cancer.
He holds a postgraduate diploma in medical education and masters with distinction in Digital Health Leadership and is a founding fellow of the Faculty of Clinical Informatics. Rhidian has a keen interest in technology as an enabler of high-quality health care delivery, with a focus on user interfaces.
Rebecca Cook
National Data Resource (NDR) Programme Director, Digital Health and Care Wales
Rebecca is an accomplished Health Informatics professional with over 18 years’ experience working in a national informatics organisation specialising in data management. She took on the role of NDR Programme Director in June 2021. The NDR (National Data Resource) is a programme that aims to make it easier to connect health and care data to improve the ability to access, move, link and utilise data across Health and Care in Wales.
Darren Lloyd
Associate Director of Information Governance and Patient Safety, Digital Health and Care Wales
Darren has work extensively within centralised NHS Wales administration services for more than 35 years.
Over the past 20 years, he has worked more exclusively within the areas of Information Governance compliance.
Darren is responsible for a team of Information Governance professionals that provide support for the implementation of key IG products within Wales to include:
• IG Toolkit for Wales
• DPO Service for General Practitioners within Wales
• Wales Accord for Sharing Personal Information - WASPI
• National Intelligent Integrated Audit Solution – NIIAS
Rachael Powell
Associate Director of Information, Intelligence and Research, Digital Health and Care Wales
Rachael leads the Information Services, e-Library Services and Research and Innovation teams within DHCW. Collectively these teams are responsible for driving better value and outcomes through research, innovation and data.
The teams are also responsible for expanding and improving the use of digital and data to improve health and care though better engagement with clinical users.
The team are currently developing their Information and Analytics Strategy for how they can support health and care service better through the provision of information that will lead to actionable insights.
Creating a partnership of equals: The challenge and opportunity of collaborative workingIn this session leaders from England's Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) will discuss the challenges they have faced since ICSs were introduced and how they have been overcome to create cohesive working partnerships - and the opportunities we have in Wales to improve integrated working.
ICSs are partnerships that bring together NHS organisations, local authorities and other organisations to take collective responsibility for planning services, improving health and reducing inequalities across geographical areas.
Session chair:
Emma Woollett
Chair of Swansea Bay University Health Board and Chair of West Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board
Emma has held executive, non-executive and advisory positions across private and public sector industries including health, retail, utilities and rail. Her expertise is managing change and strategy development. She has a particular interest encouraging exchange of ideas between different organisations and sectors to find innovative solutions. Her career started in the oil industry, she then joined Somerfield plc in a business development and marketing role and became Marketing Director for Kwik Save Stores following the merger with Somerfield and oversaw a transformation in performance. She has deployed her business and strategic experience in the NHS, providing planning and governance advice to hospitals. A non-executive director University Hospitals Bristol for over 10 years, appointed Vice Chair when the trust achieved Foundation Trust status. Chair at Swansea Bay since 2019, building a strong board leading to significant improvements in performance and delivery.
Jonathan Higman
Chief Executive Officer, Somerset Integrated Care Board
Jonathan Higman is the Chief Executive of NHS Somerset Integrated Care Board (ICB), one of the 42 ICBs established across the NHS in England in July 2022. NHS Somerset is the organisation that is responsible for developing a plan to meeting the current and future health needs of the people of Somerset in order to improve the overall health of the population; manage the NHS budget for the county and arrange the provision of local health services.
Jonathan has worked for the NHS for over 20 years with experience in both commissioning and provider organisations. Before taking up post as Chief Executive of NHS Somerset he was the Chief Executive of Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, where he led the trust to the point of merger with Somerset NHS Foundation Trust creating the first fully integrated Foundation Trust in England, responsible for the provision of acute, mental health and community services, together with almost a quarter of the general practice.
Fiona Slevin-Brown
Place Director Wiltshire for the Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Fiona Slevin-Brown was appointed as the Place Director Wiltshire for the Bath, and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) Integrated Care Board in July 2022. She also holds the Executive Lead for Primary Care, and Community Services for the ICB. Fiona has extensive healthcare experience at regional and local level. Fiona was a registered Podiatrist for over 30 years, and has held a wide range of clinical and managerial roles during her extensive NHS career. Her clinical experience has been invaluable in the variety of managerial roles she has held, including as the Director of Strategy for both Berkshire West and Berkshire East Clinical Commissioning Groups. Fiona has extensive experience of engaging with and building effective local partnerships to deliver positive change for local communities. She lives in Wiltshire with her family.
Ian Perrin
Senior Policy Advisor, ICS Network – NHS Confederation
In his current role as Senior Policy Advisor, Ian led the development of the ICS Network’s strategy for 2023/24 and worked closely on the establishment of Integrated Care Partnerships, place-based partnerships and provider collaboratives. He has supported members on the development of integrated care strategies and leads the network’s programmes on clinical and care professional leadership.
The power of learning from innovation and reflection during times of crisisThis session is supported by ADSS Cymru
In this session delegates will hear about inspirational case studies that demonstrate learnings and success stories in the delivery of care during Covid-19 when social service delivery teams had to pivot to new ways of working and needed to be innovative amidst staffing challenges.
As the wellbeing of staff emerged as the most important factor, the power in taking the time to reflect and be inspired during times of crisis has been seen as essential in creating positive experiences.
Sarah Day
Business Unit Lead, ADSS Cymru
Rebecca Roberts
Lead for Prevention and Service Development, Childcare Team, Wrexham County Council
Gwawr Williams
Regional Workforce Engagement Officer, Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
I’m Gwawr Williams, my role is as the regional workforce engagement officer for the Cwm Taf Morgannwg region. As part of my role I am the care connector between the region and the WeCare Wales campaign which promotes careers in social care and the early years, childcare and play. I started in this role during May 2020, when the country was in lockdown which was a huge adjustment from my previous role as a nursery manager surrounded by a large team. The role has been challenging and I am enjoying making it my own and using a variety of events and projects to raise the profile of working in social care, early years, childcare and play.
Project Description:
The project is a continuation of work begun by the WeCare Wales campaign. The aim is to promote careers in social care, early years, childcare and play by bringing the sector to life. We have a group of 30+ ambassadors who are passionate about working in the sectors and deliver sessions in schools, colleges, job centres and at jobs fairs alongside myself. It’s my hope that hearing the ambassadors stories about how they came into care, their day to day work life and personal achievements inspire the students and job seekers to consider a career in care. The project at a regional level was launched in October 2021 and has grown in popularity with schools and colleges across the region requesting ambassador talks regularly.
Together Stronger, SustainablyThis session is supported by ABPI Cymru Wales
This session will highlight key projects in Wales that support our NHS to be delivered sustainably as we move beyond its 75th birthday.
Martin Davies from Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board will talk about Your Medicines, Your Health. Part of the Bevan Commission's Let’s Not Waste programme, its adoption supports the Minister for Health and Social Services' recent call to reduce waste across the health system.
Joining Martin will be Daniel Shard from Ipsen Biopharm, Wrexham who will describe how innovative, green pharmaceuticals are delivered here in Wales. Finally, Andy Sumpter from AstraZeneca will discuss their work across the UK.
Session chair:Paul Mears
Chief Executive, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board / SRO Innovation
Paul Mears has been Chief Executive of Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board since September 2020. Paul is the national CEO lead in the Welsh NHS for innovation and also leads the delivery of value based healthcare across the country.
Prior to this role Paul spent two years as independent management consultant advising a number of clients in both the public and private healthcare sector as well as digital healthcare businesses. This included is working as a Senior Advisor to McKinsey & Company. Paul was previously Chief Executive of Yeovil District Hospital in Somerset where he established the Symphony Programme designed to integrate care across primary care, the acute hospital and community services. Paul started his NHS career in Torbay where he was instrumental in setting up Torbay Care Trust and leading the operational business of one of the first integrated community health and social care organisations in England as well as working as Chief Operating Officer at Torbay Hospital.
Martin Davies
Lead for Medication Adherence, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board
Martin is the lead for medication adherence at Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board (CTMUHB). He graduated from Liverpool School of Pharmacy in 1978 and has worked for CTMUHB (or its legacy organisations) for 45 years. Martin has managed the pharmacy at Ysbyty Cwm Rhondda since 1988 and has recently semi-retired to focus on Your Medicines Your Health (YMYH).
Martin’s most recent challenge has seen him as medicines management lead for the Covid vaccination programme. Improving patient health and wellbeing by supporting their use of medication
is the next challenge he is looking forward to developing
through YMYH both locally and nationally.Daniel Shard
Site Capital Projects Manager, Ipsen Biopharm
Dan joined Ipsen in 2016 as Manufacturing Engineering Manager, transitioning into the role of Site Capital Projects manager in 2019 responsible for delivering the site’s portfolio of projects. Prior to this Dan studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Manchester then spent 12 years working at Eli Lilly in various Engineering leadership positions. He has had significant involvement in leading sustainability within the industry acting as site NRP lead at Eli Lilly, delivering the Ipsen sites portfolio of sustainability projects, and is currently involved in a UCL research project for Green pharma, and sits on the ISPE sustainable pharma forum.
Andy Sumpter
Head of Population Health, AstraZeneca
Andy is a senior pharmaceutical leader with in AstraZeneca UK with over 20 years’ experience of leading teams & driving patient-focused outcomes. He is responsible for AstraZeneca’s population health efforts to form ambitious purpose-led partnerships with partners across the UK that transform outcomes at the population health level.
Uncovering the hidden voices in our communities: The case for population health management as value-based care for Wales
This session is sponsored by:The panel will discuss what achieving value-based care really means for care providers across Wales to achieve meaningful outcomes for Welsh citizens, and how population health management can serve as the delivery engine for this.
Session chair:
Rebecca Richmond
Director, Optum
Bec joined Optum in 2020 following the acquisition of The Advisory Board Company, an international best practice research organisation. As Managing Director of Advisory Board International Research and Insights, Bec has consulted and advised health system leaders from around the world on critical innovations in health and social care system strategy and operations.
Bec currently works with health Systems to develop and implement sustainable PHM strategies, through the design and delivery of workshops, Board-level sessions and virtual training to inspire, advise and enable multi-disciplinary leadership teams to collaborate effectively on PHM execution.
Dr Phillip Kloer
Executive Medical Director, Hywel Dda University Health Board
Phil Kloer is an experienced health service leader with over 10 years’ experience at Board level in a large health system organisation, currently working as Executive Medical Director and Deputy CEO at Hywel Dda UHB.
His professional interests include developing leadership capability, improving healthcare service quality and value, and promoting a move to a more social model of health & well-being.
He trained as a respiratory physician and worked in New Zealand, England and Wales. He is a Trustee for the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM) and is an honorary professor at Swansea University.
Dr Keith Reid
Executive Director of Public Health, Swansea Bay University Health Board
Keith has been Executive Director of Public Health at Swansea Bay University Health Board since March 2020. He has a portfolio career including time spent in academia, as a researcher with the Ministry of Defence, a dalliance with hospital medicine and a committed and enduring relationship with public health since 2000. He has spent time in the English system (pre-2012) in general and healthcare public health roles and 6 years practising in New Zealand. While attracted to Wales because of the policy environment he is increasingly frustrated by the challenges in realising meaningful change for our populations.
Third Sector - provider or partner or both?
The third sector embraces a wide range of organisations which are united by a common purpose to benefit the needs of local communities and those who face disadvantage within society. Whilst there is agreement that they make a vital contribution to improving the wellbeing of individuals and communities, there is less consensus as to how the public sector should engage with them.
Robin will consider the potential contribution of the third sector to achieving more integrated care for people and populations, the challenges which prevent better collaboration, and how these challenges can be addressed in practice.
Professor Robin Miller, University of Birmingham
National Demonstrators Lead, IMPACT & Joint Editor in Chief, International Journal of Integrated Care
Professor Robin Miller is an applied academic with an international reputation in relation to integration, leadership and implementation within health and social care. He is the Joint Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Integrated Care and a Senior Fellow of the School for Social Care Research.
Robin has an interest in community-led, asset-based approaches to integrated care, development of collaborative leadership in senior and practice roles, and embedding co-production within the design and delivery of transformation programmes. He is the UK lead for the Demonstrator model within the Centre for Improving Adult Social Care Together.
Health, care and communities: Engaging with the public
Donna will talk about transforming our relationship with citizens through a new social contract with public services. This includes listening to the experiences of communities to reshape the way the NHS and local authorities work together in neighbourhoods with the community and voluntary sector.
Professor Donna Hall CBE
NHS Transformation Adviser to NHS England
Donna has been described as a “public service pioneer” by the Mayor of Greater Manchester. Awarded a CBE in 2009 for innovation in public service and was Transformational Leader in the Northern Powerwoman Awards 2017. As CEO for Wigan Council for eight years, developed The Wigan Deal with her team, a new relationship with residents. As CEO at Chorley Council, created another social contract with residents The Chorley Smile. Most recently Donna was chair of innovative national think tank New Local, promoting a Community Paradigm and chair of PossAbilities, a social enterprise supporting people with learning disabilities. Appointed as Honorary Professor of Politics, University of Manchester August 2019, and is an Integrated Care System adviser to NHS England.
Close of conference
Darren Hughes
Director, Welsh NHS Confederation
Darren has been director of the Welsh NHS Confederation since August 2019. Prior to this he had worked in health professional regulation as Director for Wales at the General Pharmaceutical Council and Head of Office at the General Medical Council.
Darren joined the Welsh Confed with a wealth of experience working with the NHS. His career to date has meant he has worked extensively with the NHS, healthcare professionals, the UK and Welsh Governments, politicians, the media and health stakeholders.
He has also conducted research at Cardiff University looking at how organisations can work together to campaign for legislative change.
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- For booking queries, email the event bookings team at or call 0844 800 5987
- For enquiries regarding the evening and reception on Monday 11 September, or if you’re interested in being an event partner, session sponsor or exhibitor, please email
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