Learning and Improving Across Systems - Peer Learning Programme
Run in partnership by:
Connect with leaders across the UK navigating the opportunities and complexity of leading change through health and care systems.
The first year of our Learning and Improving Across Systems peer learning programme has been incredibly successful with more than 150 health and care leaders taking part.
During our first year, we have held:
- two introductory drop-in sessions
- four peer learning workshops
- four peer coaching sessions
- a face-to-face networking event
- an institute for Healthcare Improvement event
- a workshop at NHS ConfedExpo 2024
We have also:
- produced six episodes of our partnership improvement podcast delivered
- run a learning session on improvement for leaders at our national ICS Network Conference.
Participants have told us they found the experience valuable, particularly learning from peers facing similar challenges, and gathering tools and techniques to tackle them.
“Having that peer support where people can help you to understand the things you're seeing, make sense of it, see the opportunities and learn from others, is just incredibly powerful.”
"It's just really interesting to connect with other people who are looking at similar issues and have perspectives and just raise questions around minds about how we could think about things differently."