Learning and Improving Across Systems - Peer Learning Programme

A peer learning programme for leaders of system improvement.
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Run in partnership by:

Q, Health Foundation and NHS Confederation logos
Connect with leaders across the UK navigating the opportunities and complexity of leading change through health and care systems. 

The first year of our Learning and Improving Across Systems peer learning programme has been incredibly successful with more than 150 health and care leaders taking part. 

We are working on the design for Learning and Improving 2025, which will begin in April, so please do watch this space for further announcements and details on how to apply in the New Year.  

During our first year, we have held:

  • two introductory drop-in sessions
  • four peer learning workshops
  • four peer coaching sessions
  • a face-to-face networking event
  • an institute for Healthcare Improvement event
  • a workshop at NHS ConfedExpo 2024 

We have also: 

  • produced six episodes of our partnership improvement podcast delivered 
  • run a learning session on improvement for leaders at our national ICS Network Conference. 

Participants have told us they found the experience valuable, particularly learning from peers facing similar challenges, and gathering tools and techniques to tackle them.  

“Having that peer support where people can help you to understand the things you're seeing, make sense of it, see the opportunities and learn from others, is just incredibly powerful.”

"It's just really interesting to connect with other people who are looking at similar issues and have perspectives and just raise questions around minds about how we could think about things differently."

  • This programme is for you if:

    • You are leading improvement work across your health and care system in the UK – this could be at place, across organisations or system level and can be outside the NHS.
    • You are connecting strategy to implementation – so you may hold a role similar to (but not exclusively) programme director, improvement lead, strategy or innovation director or clinical director.
    • You want to engage other improvement leads across your health and care system.
    • You would like to learn about different improvement tools and approaches from leading improvement experts and your peers.
    • You would like quality time and space with others to develop your ideas, skills and solutions to progress your work.
    • You have an interest in being supported by peers and developing relationships that can sustain and inspire you in your improvement journey.

    This programme is offered free of charge to participants, as part of the Health Foundation, NHS Confederation and Q community’s wider support to the health and care system.

  • Connect with leaders across the UK navigating the opportunities and complexity of leading change through health and care systems.

    • It’s clear that to achieve real improvement it must happen at all levels in health and care systems. So how do leaders create the right conditions for this change? 
    • How do they grow and sustain new health and care systems, and build stronger population healthcare for the future? How do we learn and collaborate across organisational boundaries, geographies and systems? What are the opportunities and challenges of thinking of improvement through the lens of system working?
  • We have listened to local system leaders to understand their challenges, hopes and needs. With their input we have co-created this offer: a flexible, time-efficient journey that creates the space for you and your peers to come together to learn and support each other.

    This programme will:

    • focus on helping you to take an elevated perspective on improvement across systems, while learning about different improvement frameworks, tools and approaches from leading practitioners and peers. This includes expanding and building on the new central NHS IMPACT vision and approach for improvement practice.
    • help you to apply this learning to your context, giving you quality time and space with peers to bring in your own challenges and receive support in developing fresh ideas and solutions for your work.
    • give you energy, ideas and tools that you can use in your own system, with connections to resources and people who can help shape and implement your work.

    We will work together to tackle challenges such as how to:

    • focus on long-term system goals while under pressure to fix immediate challenges
    • use improvement to translate strategy into delivery at scale
    • build shared ownership for improvement across the multiple organisations in a system
    • make it easier to scale learning and innovation between teams, organisations and with wider partners
    • break down barriers to whole-system collaboration.

    Underpinning this programme is a framework, developed by Q, that identifies 18 topics that the evidence and experience of leaders suggest commonly need attention when leading large-scale change. This will provide a purposeful and flexible structure for making positive progress on the big issues that can otherwise be barriers to change. 

    We expect that your learning and that of your peers will benefit the systems you represent by: 

    • building collective improvement leadership and culture 
    • creating the enabling conditions for system-wide improvement
    • increasing effective collaboration across your system
    • making best use of available resources and expertise 
    • enabling more vibrant and sustainable progress towards system goals.

    Together, we can accelerate learning and improvement led from within health and care systems so that we can better support healthy lives in the UK.

  • We believe there are many different ways to learn, so we will host programmes with a variety of accessible formats and ways of engaging.

    You will benefit from:

    • experienced facilitators who will host participants throughout the process, helping you to navigate the range of perspectives and practical tools and approaches shared by our contributors. 
    • flexible sessions will predominantly take place online – we will support accessibility needs such as closed captioning or live transcription
    • interactive small group discussions
    • resources for your learning journey: pre-reading, session recordings and summary of insights so that you can listen again and so that new people can join us as we go along
    • practical tools and takeaways that you can adapt and use in your system.
  • We have designed the workshops to be primarily online to allow for greatest accessibility in participation. If you do need additional support for your access needs, such as closed captioning or live transcription, we will factor this into our session planning, and are happy to talk about this with you.

  • This programme is free of charge to participants.  We ask that you commit to the offer, allow yourself the time to immerse yourself in learning, take what you learn back to your systems and contribute to growing and spreading the collective insights. 

  • We are currently planning the second year of this programme and will be sharing all the details very soon, including how to apply. If you have any questions in the meantime, please do get in touch: improvement@nhsconfed.org

  • We have lots of resources and tools that will help you on your learning journey. Please visit our Improvement Resources Hub to find the latest information.