NHS Voices

Thought leadership that sparks debate, shares learning and inspires new ways of working across health and care.
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NHS Voices is the place to share ideas, debate solutions and discover how organisations are confronting challenges across health and care.

All views expressed are those of the individual author, not of the NHS Confederation. Publication of a post does not in any way imply agreement or endorsement from our membership.

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Showing 241 - 252 of 568 results

NHS at heart of UK life sciences vision

Layla McCay, director of policy at the NHS Confederation, reflects on the new ‘vision’ and 10-year strategy for UK life sciences.

10 September 2021

What comes next for trained volunteers?

After 1 million hours of support to the NHS, St John Ambulance's Richard Lee looks at what comes next.

7 September 2021

'I'm not mad, I'm me'

The communications team at St Andrew’s Healthcare made a patient documentary to help shift people’s thinking about complex mental health conditions.

1 September 2021

Brave new world: the third health revolution

Transformational ICS leadership requires establishing a culture of stewardship, changing the way people think and the language they use.

31 August 2021

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