Partnering to support sustainable improvement in local health systems NHS Confederation and the Health Foundation join up with the Q community to support local health systems to learn and improve 14 June 2023
NHS Confederation responds to the NHS workforce equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) improvement plan Joan Saddler responds to the NHS workforce equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) improvement plan. 9 June 2023
NHS Confederation responds to NHS performance statistics for May 2023 Rory Deighton, director of the NHS Confederation’s acute network, responds to performance figures for May 2023 8 June 2023
Supporting trans and non-binary healthcare staff NHS Confederation launches a Leading For All: Supporting Trans and Non-binary Healthcare Staff report. 6 June 2023
Response to the Welsh Government announcement of £30m for community care Welsh NHS Confederation assistant director Nesta Lloyd-Jones responds to the Welsh Government's announcement of £30m funding for care in the community 6 June 2023
Despite immense challenges, figures show how far the NHS has come Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes responds to the latest NHS performance statistics in Wales. 19 May 2023
Matthew Taylor's speech to the RSM's Stevens lecture 2023 The NHS’s 75th birthday present should be a real health policy, argues Matthew Taylor at the Royal Society of Medicine's Stevens lecture 2023. 15 May 2023
Welsh NHS Confederation welcomes National Diagnostic Strategy for Wales The Welsh NHS Confederation responds to Welsh Government's announcement of a National Diagnostic Strategy for Wales. 25 April 2023
Honest public conversation needed on the sustainability of health and care services Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes responds to the latest NHS performance statistics in Wales. 20 April 2023
ICS leaders will be pleased to see Health and Social Care Select Committee reflect their priorities in inquiry report Sarah Walter, director of the ICS Network, responds to the publication of the Health and Social Care Select Committee inquiry report on ICS. 29 March 2023
Drop in public satisfaction with the NHS 'a red flag for government' Matthew Taylor comments on findings from the 2022 British Social Attitudes Survey. 29 March 2023
Performance shows effort of staff despite tough cards dealt Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes responds to the latest monthly performance statistics for the NHS in Wales. 23 March 2023
Some hospitals have seen their busiest Monday of the year so far Rory Deighton comments on news from NHS England that some Emergency Departments saw the busiest Monday of the year so far. 14 March 2023
Peter Mount CBE A statement from the chair and former chief executive of the NHS Confederation on the passing of our former chair Peter Mount CBE. 14 March 2023
Innovations in primary and community care reducing pressure on hospitals now and in the future The Welsh NHS Confederation's report showcases best practice in primary and community care, enabling patients to access care closer to home. 13 March 2023
NHS Confederation responds to the latest performance statistics Dr Layla McCay responds to the latest performance statistics 9 March 2023
Showing 161 - 176 of 426 results
Partnering to support sustainable improvement in local health systems
NHS Confederation and the Health Foundation join up with the Q community to support local health systems to learn and improve
14 June 2023
NHS Confederation responds to the NHS workforce equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) improvement plan
Joan Saddler responds to the NHS workforce equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) improvement plan.
9 June 2023
NHS Confederation responds to NHS performance statistics for May 2023
Rory Deighton, director of the NHS Confederation’s acute network, responds to performance figures for May 2023
8 June 2023
Supporting trans and non-binary healthcare staff
NHS Confederation launches a Leading For All: Supporting Trans and Non-binary Healthcare Staff report.
6 June 2023
Response to the Welsh Government announcement of £30m for community care
Welsh NHS Confederation assistant director Nesta Lloyd-Jones responds to the Welsh Government's announcement of £30m funding for care in the community
6 June 2023
Despite immense challenges, figures show how far the NHS has come
Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes responds to the latest NHS performance statistics in Wales.
19 May 2023
Matthew Taylor's speech to the RSM's Stevens lecture 2023
The NHS’s 75th birthday present should be a real health policy, argues Matthew Taylor at the Royal Society of Medicine's Stevens lecture 2023.
15 May 2023
Welsh NHS Confederation welcomes National Diagnostic Strategy for Wales
The Welsh NHS Confederation responds to Welsh Government's announcement of a National Diagnostic Strategy for Wales.
25 April 2023
Honest public conversation needed on the sustainability of health and care services
Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes responds to the latest NHS performance statistics in Wales.
20 April 2023
ICS leaders will be pleased to see Health and Social Care Select Committee reflect their priorities in inquiry report
Sarah Walter, director of the ICS Network, responds to the publication of the Health and Social Care Select Committee inquiry report on ICS.
29 March 2023
Drop in public satisfaction with the NHS 'a red flag for government'
Matthew Taylor comments on findings from the 2022 British Social Attitudes Survey.
29 March 2023
Performance shows effort of staff despite tough cards dealt
Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes responds to the latest monthly performance statistics for the NHS in Wales.
23 March 2023
Some hospitals have seen their busiest Monday of the year so far
Rory Deighton comments on news from NHS England that some Emergency Departments saw the busiest Monday of the year so far.
14 March 2023
Peter Mount CBE
A statement from the chair and former chief executive of the NHS Confederation on the passing of our former chair Peter Mount CBE.
14 March 2023
Innovations in primary and community care reducing pressure on hospitals now and in the future
The Welsh NHS Confederation's report showcases best practice in primary and community care, enabling patients to access care closer to home.
13 March 2023
NHS Confederation responds to the latest performance statistics
Dr Layla McCay responds to the latest performance statistics
9 March 2023