Local health and care partnerships off to a strong start but underinvestment is hindering progress Our report on the State of ICSs suggests they've made good progress in their first year but face significant barriers 17 August 2023
NHS Confederation responds to the launch of NHS England’s hospital matching platform Rory Deighton responds to the launch of NHS England’s hospital matching platform 10 August 2023
NHS Confederation responds to DHSC's announcement of new Community Diagnostic Centres Rory Deighton, director of NHS Confederation's Acute Network responds to the Elective Recovery Taskforce's plan for new community diagnostic centres 4 August 2023
NHS Confederation responds to NHS England's winter plan Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, responds to NHS England's winter plan 27 July 2023
Performance in Wales remains stable despite unwavering demand Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes responds to the latest NHS performance statistics in Wales, for May and June. 20 July 2023
NHS Confederation responds to the latest performance statistics Dr Layla McCay responds to the latest performance statistics 13 July 2023
We need a national conversation on the future of the NHS Assistant director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Nesta Lloyd-Jones responds to the health minister's NHS 75 speech. 6 July 2023
HSC75: Health Leaders in Northern Ireland issue statement calling for urgent political leadership and public support Health Leaders in Northern Ireland call for urgent political leadership and support from every section of society on the 75th anniversary of the NHS 4 July 2023
The NHS at 75: We need a national conversation on how we meet the needs of future generations The Welsh NHS Confederation is calling for a national conversation on how we co-produce a health and care service for the future. 4 July 2023
NHS Confederation responds to the BMA General Practitioners Committee’s ‘Call To Action’ document Prof Aruna Garcea, chair of the NHS Confederation’s primary care network, responds to the BMA GP Committee’s ‘Call To Action’ document 23 June 2023
NHS Confederation responds to the funding boost for the roll out of artificial intelligence across the NHS Rory Deighton responds to the funding boost for the roll out of artificial intelligence across the NHS. 22 June 2023
NHS continuing to respond to significant pressure across the system Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes responds to the latest NHS performance statistics in Wales. 22 June 2023
Matthew Taylor's keynote speech at NHS ConfedExpo Matthew Taylor addresses delegates on day one of NHS ConfedExpo in Manchester 14 June 2023
NHS Confederation reacts to government's response to Hewitt Review Matthew Taylor chief executive of the NHS Confederation comments on the government's response to the Hewitt Review 14 June 2023
Lord Victor Adebowale's speech at NHS ConfedExpo Chair of the NHS Confederation, Lord Victor Adebowale, opens NHS ConfedExpo 2023 in Manchester. 14 June 2023
'Unite behind the NHS’s next and best era' Matthew Taylor will highlight in his speech at NHS ConfedExpo that the everyone should unite behind a shared vision of the NHS’s next and best era. 14 June 2023
Showing 145 - 160 of 426 results
Local health and care partnerships off to a strong start but underinvestment is hindering progress
Our report on the State of ICSs suggests they've made good progress in their first year but face significant barriers
17 August 2023
NHS Confederation responds to the launch of NHS England’s hospital matching platform
Rory Deighton responds to the launch of NHS England’s hospital matching platform
10 August 2023
NHS Confederation responds to DHSC's announcement of new Community Diagnostic Centres
Rory Deighton, director of NHS Confederation's Acute Network responds to the Elective Recovery Taskforce's plan for new community diagnostic centres
4 August 2023
NHS Confederation responds to NHS England's winter plan
Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, responds to NHS England's winter plan
27 July 2023
Performance in Wales remains stable despite unwavering demand
Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes responds to the latest NHS performance statistics in Wales, for May and June.
20 July 2023
NHS Confederation responds to the latest performance statistics
Dr Layla McCay responds to the latest performance statistics
13 July 2023
We need a national conversation on the future of the NHS
Assistant director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Nesta Lloyd-Jones responds to the health minister's NHS 75 speech.
6 July 2023
HSC75: Health Leaders in Northern Ireland issue statement calling for urgent political leadership and public support
Health Leaders in Northern Ireland call for urgent political leadership and support from every section of society on the 75th anniversary of the NHS
4 July 2023
The NHS at 75: We need a national conversation on how we meet the needs of future generations
The Welsh NHS Confederation is calling for a national conversation on how we co-produce a health and care service for the future.
4 July 2023
NHS Confederation responds to the BMA General Practitioners Committee’s ‘Call To Action’ document
Prof Aruna Garcea, chair of the NHS Confederation’s primary care network, responds to the BMA GP Committee’s ‘Call To Action’ document
23 June 2023
NHS Confederation responds to the funding boost for the roll out of artificial intelligence across the NHS
Rory Deighton responds to the funding boost for the roll out of artificial intelligence across the NHS.
22 June 2023
NHS continuing to respond to significant pressure across the system
Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes responds to the latest NHS performance statistics in Wales.
22 June 2023
Matthew Taylor's keynote speech at NHS ConfedExpo
Matthew Taylor addresses delegates on day one of NHS ConfedExpo in Manchester
14 June 2023
NHS Confederation reacts to government's response to Hewitt Review
Matthew Taylor chief executive of the NHS Confederation comments on the government's response to the Hewitt Review
14 June 2023
Lord Victor Adebowale's speech at NHS ConfedExpo
Chair of the NHS Confederation, Lord Victor Adebowale, opens NHS ConfedExpo 2023 in Manchester.
14 June 2023
'Unite behind the NHS’s next and best era'
Matthew Taylor will highlight in his speech at NHS ConfedExpo that the everyone should unite behind a shared vision of the NHS’s next and best era.
14 June 2023