NHS Confederation responds to Health Foundation polling on public views on the Government's NHS policies

Responding to polling from the Health Foundation and Ipsos, which reveals that 62 per cent of the public disagree that the Government has the right policies for the NHS, Dr Layla McCay, Director of Policy at the NHS Confederation, said:
"This polling once again confirms that the greatest challenges facing the NHS - an exhausted workforce, growing waiting lists, and a severely under-resourced social care sector - are also the experiences of patients and the public.
"NHS leaders and staff are doing all they can to recover services and make inroads into the waiting lists, but the Government must play its part in restoring public perceptions of the NHS and social care, including levelling with the public about the care they will receive as the health service and the nation recover from the pandemic.
"Crucially this also means a comprehensive plan for, and clear investment, in the retention and recruitment of staff across the NHS. Burnt out healthcare staff need to be given hope that help is coming."