
NHS Confederation responds to Keir Starmer's conference speech

Matthew Taylor comments on Keir Starmer's speech at the Labour Party conference.

10 October 2023

Responding to Keir Starmer’s speech at the Labour Party Conference, Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, said:

“NHS leaders will welcome the long-term vision set out by the Labour Party and the recognition that the NHS must be transformed from being only a sickness service. Our members know that investing in prevention and moving care closer to communities, alongside taking a truly joined-up and cross-government approach to health are key to making the NHS a more sustainable public service.

“Our members – many of whom have been working in the NHS for years – know all too well how short-term political priorities can undermine the mission approach set out today. So they will want to know how this fundamental change will be delivered.

"Health leaders want to see longer-term funding cycles, capital investment and a proportional shift in resources to primary and community care to ensure the NHS is fit for the future and able to not only provide high-quality care but also to work with communities to build health, and in doing so drive the prosperity of our towns, city and nation."