
NHS Confederation responds to new IFS research on the NHS workforce plan

The NHS Confederation responds to new research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) on the NHS workforce plan.

30 August 2023

Responding to new research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) on the NHS workforce plan, Danny Mortimer, deputy chief executive of the NHS Confederation, said:

“We know that the workforce plan will require long term funding if it’s to be rolled out successfully, and health leaders will agree that NHS funding should revert to the long run average growth rate to be in line with the ever-growing demand the NHS faces.

“This investment needs to not just expand numbers but also improve working conditions and reward and accelerate access to careers. It also needs to be matched by investment in technology and working environments to support healthcare staff to work effectively and efficiently.   

“We have an ageing and growing population, with increasingly complex needs, so it’s vital that funding grows in line with demand. The IFS make clear how much is needed to grow the workforce in the long-term; with every £1 invested in the NHS resulting in a £4 return to the economy, an increase of this scale to fund the additional staffing the NHS needs would be good for both the health service and the well-being of the wider economy.

"Finally investment in the health service without corresponding action for social care services is profoundly unwise. For our part, we repeat our call for a comprehensive and equivalent workforce plan for social care.”