
NHS leaders welcome doctors' acceptance of Welsh Government pay offer

Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes responds to BMA Cymru Wales' news that secondary care doctors have voted to accept pay offers.

28 June 2024

Responding to the news from BMA Cymru Wales that secondary care doctors in Wales have voted to accept their pay offers from Welsh Government, director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes said:

“NHS leaders will welcome this development and are grateful to all parties for working in social partnership to reach this outcome. 

“Staff are the most important thing in the NHS, so we all need to work together to ensure they feel valued, so we can provide the best care for patients.

“The health service relies heavily on its consultant, SAS and junior doctor workforce and these professionals have helped to keep the most life-critical services afloat over the last few years of intense pressures.

“NHS organisations will now work with Welsh Government and partners to implement the deal. We hope this can act as a fresh start for all involved.”