Survey launched to gather senior NHS BME leaders' experiences

As the NHS focuses on the recruitment of a more diverse and representative leadership, the NHS Confederation's BME Leadership Network is keen to understand how the experiences of established senior BME leaders can inform not just the recruitment, but also the retention of future BME leaders.
In particular, the network is keen to explore whether senior NHS BME leaders’ experiences suggest whether it becomes more or less difficult for BME leaders to be their authentic self, as they take on more senior executive and non-executive leadership roles.
This survey is open to senior NHS BME leaders (AfC Band 9 and above) and will take around five minutes to complete. To help increase responses, please share this survey with colleagues that meet this criteria. The closing date is 13 May 2022.
The survey is anonymous and we will publish the findings at ConfedExpo taking place 15-16 June 2022.
Should you have any questions please contact the BME Leadership Network by email