
Welsh NHS Confederation response to A Healthier Wales Actions Refresh

Welsh NHS Confederation assistant director Nesta Lloyd-Jones responds to the refresh of actions set out in the A Healthier Wales plan in 2018.

4 December 2024

Responding to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care’s statement on the A Healthier Wales Actions Refresh, assistant director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Nesta Lloyd-Jones said:

“NHS leaders welcomed the A Healthier Wales plan published in 2018. Although many similar challenges remain, the last six years has seen a significant evolution within the health and care system in Wales and the heightened demographic, economic and societal challenges it faces.

“The level and nature of demand on health and care services has shifted in recent years due to external factors such as the Covid-19 pandemic and post-pandemic pressures, the cost-of-living crisis, Brexit and many more.

“As highlighted in the NHS in 10+ years report, projected challenges facing the health and care system are set to continue to place unsustainable demands on our services in years to come.

“As well as external factors, structures and organisations within, and linking to, the NHS in Wales have evolved. This includes new organisations and structures such as Digital Health and Care Wales, NHS Wales Executive, Llais and Health Education and Improvement Wales.

“The actions in the refresh reflect the changes needed to work towards a sustainable health and care system and will require the NHS to continue to work closely with wider sectors and partners to tackle issues including the wider determinants of health and reducing inequalities.

“Ultimately, NHS leaders share the goal of improving current and future health outcomes for the people of Wales.”