Welsh NHS Confederation response to Plaid Cymru's NHS governance and accountability report

Responding to Plaid Cymru’s report ‘The Welsh Health System: Accountability, Performance and Culture’, director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes said:
“We welcome Plaid Cymru’s report on strengthening governance and accountability in the Welsh NHS, much of which reflects the recommendations in the Task & Finish Ministerial Advisory Group Report into NHS Wales Accountability, published last week.
“We need a clear national operating model for the whole health and care system, ensuring clarity and focus on new and existing arrangements, strengthening existing relationships and partnerships, and improving the transparency in how health and social care services are planned, delivered and improved.
“It’s also clear there is an opportunity for the NHS Executive to provide clarity and purpose by focusing on translating and supporting government policy into front line delivery to provide a whole-system shift.
“A key omission from this report is the need for improved whole-system data – to include social care – in order to improve transparency and build a full picture of pressures points across the health and care system.
“We look forward to continuing to engage with all political parties as they develop their manifestoes in the run up to the 2026 Senedd election.”